Belonging in a Digital World

Thursday, August 29, 2019, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Inn on Boltwood

Each year, the provost, in partnership with the Center for Teaching and Learning, sponsors a retreat with a focus on pedagogy for faculty and instructional staff.   This year's retreat addressed questions such as the following:

  • How do we better understand how our students navigate the world? 
  • How can we leverage students' immersion in the digital landscape to support learning?
  • What are the promises and challenges of digital technologies?
  • How are we helping students develop high-level cognitive skills, regulate their attention in the face of technological demands, and harness the power of technology to help them develop disciplinary expertise and creativity?

Four images capturing "belonging in a digital world"
The Provost's Retreat on Teaching and Learning offers an opportunity to reconnect with colleagues before the semester begins, to explore ideas about teaching, and to learn about pedagogical strategies.

Photos by Amherst College photographer Maria Stenzel

Provost's Retreat Schedule

8:30 a.m.: Continental Breakfast

9:00 a.m.: Welcome by Catherine Epstein, provost and dean of the faculty

9:15 a.m.: "Educating and Engaging Generation Z"
Keynote speaker, Dr. Corey Seemiller, and Table Discussions

12:00 p.m.: Lunch

1:00 p.m.: Alumni Panel, Education Profession Fellows

2:15 p.m.: Concurrent Breakout Sessions

3:30 p.m.: Ice Cream Reception and Closing

Images from 2018 Teaching and Learning Retreat