Internal Funding and Outside Grants to Support Faculty Work

Amherst offers internal funding and is committed to supporting the faculty’s efforts to pursue external funding to support teaching, scholarship, and creative work. Grants and fellowships provide opportunities to strengthen faculty members’ individual research programs and those of the college as a whole. To support scholarly inquiry and the expansion of knowledge, furthering the mission of the college in research, teaching, and public service, faculty are encouraged to apply for internal funding and to seek external funds.

Funding Opportunities

Students and faculty in a large room with research posters

Student-Faculty Research

Amherst offers a broad array of research opportunities for students to work collaboratively with faculty and each other. 
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A teacher in front of a blackboard with an equation on it

Pedagogical Innovation

The Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty offers opportunities and resources to the faculty to support and enhance teaching and learning.
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