Friday, April 10

8 a.m. - 8 p.m
Drew House

8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Visit Open Classes
A list of classes is available here and will also be provided in your registration packet.

4:30 p.m. Race and Rebellion at Amherst College
This newly curated exhibit explores the history of student activism and racial issues on campus from the founding of the Anti-Slavery Society in 1833 to the Moratorium on Black Dissatisfaction in May 1969 to the Hands Up, Don't Shoot! Walkout in December 2014. The exhibition includes historical information on black alumni, both well-known and obscure, from the nearly 200 years of the college's history. Since the Archives are not open on Saturday and Sunday, this is your chance to see this remarkable history.
Archives and Special Collections, Level A, Robert Frost Library

5:30 p.m. The Black Experience at Amherst: Presentation and Discussion
Gerald Penny Center, The Octagon

6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Dinner (On Your Own)
Meal tickets are provided in your registration packet
Valentine Dining Hall

8:00 p.m.  Brother Talk/Sister Speak
Gerald Penny Center, The Octagon


Saturday, April 11

7:30 - 9:30 a.m.
Breakfast (On Your Own)
Meal tickets are provided in your registration packet
Valentine Dining Hall

9 a.m. - noon Registration
Drew House

9 - 9:45 a.m. Pickup Basketball
LeFrak Gym

10 a.m - noon A Taste of Amherst Classes:
Four Amherst professors will give sample 30-minute classes:
  • Marisa Parham on her book project, "Black Haunts: Thinking Black Lives Digitally
  • Rhonda Cobham-Sander on "The Creole Imagination: Reading Caribbean Literature Through Theories of Creolization"
  • Khary Polk on "Writing to Your Namesake: Reading James Baldwin's The Fire Next Time"
  • John Drabinski on "Panther Theory: Reading Black Power"
Stirn Auditorium
12:15 - 2 p.m. Community Lunch with Sonia Sanchez
Poet, activist and scholar Sonia Sanchez, national and international lecturer on Black culture and literature, peace and racial justice, will speak. 
Lewis Sebring Dining Commons, Valentine Hall

2 - 2:45 p.m. Resource Center Open Houses:
Multicultural Resource Center,
First Floor, Keefe Campus Center
Queer Resource Center, Basement Side Entrance, Morrow Dormitory
Women's and Gender Center, First Floor,Keefe Campus Center

3 - 4 p.m. Networking
Alumni and current students will have an opportunity to discuss career and graduate school paths in an informal setting.
Drew House

5:30 p.m. Reception
The Powerhouse

6 p.m. Charles Hamilton Houston Dinner
President Biddy Martin will welcome alumni to campus.
Keynote Speaker Dr. Blair L.M. Kelley is associate professor of history at North Carolina State University and the author of the award-winning book, Right to Ride: Streetcar Boycotts and African American Citizenship in the Era of Plessy v. Ferguson. She is a frequent commentator and blogger on current events, especially about how the history of race in America is essential to an understanding of our contemporary politics.
The Powerhouse

9 - 11 p.m. Notable Alumni Jam Session
Amherst's own hip-hop duo, Notable Alumni, Andrew Nwachuku '15 and Julian Boykins '15, will give a mini-concert after the keynote dinner.
Drew House


Sunday, April 12

9 a.m.
Breakfast with Prospective Students 
Join newly admitted Amherst students for breakfast. These students, supported by funding through the Diversity Recruitment Program, arrived on campus on Saturday, and will attend the April Open House program for admitted students immediately following breakfast. This give them the rare chance to meet and hear from a group of Amherst alumni about the Amherst experience and community as they make their final decision about where to spend the next four years. Please use the meal ticket provided in your registration packet.
Mezzanine Level (upstairs), Valentine Dining Hall

10 a.m. 
Gerald Penny Memorial Service
Remember and honor our brothers and sisters who have passed away since the last Black Alumni Weekend in 2013.
The Gerald Penny Center, The Octagon

11 a.m. Hermenia T. Gardner Bi-Semester African American Worship Series
We will honor our graduating seniors as well as recognize 20 years of the Bi-Semester Worship Service. The Rev. Leon Burrows, the Bi-Semester advisor for ten years, will preside.
Chapin Chapel

1:30 p.m. Wisdom of the Elders Dinner
The Wisdom of the Elders refers to passing on of wisdom to younger people in a time of transition. In this instance, it means that some of the returning alumni/ae "elders" and Mrs. Hermenia T. Gardner will take a short amount of time to affirm the seniors, celebrate the past and comment on some of their own life lessons.
Lewis Sebring Dining Commons, Valentine Hall