Simple Fresh Southern

 My new book, Simple Fresh Southern: Knockout Dishes with Downhome Flavor, which I wrote with my brother and co-writer, Matt, delivers recipes that are designed for today’s home cooks and yet inspired by southern ingredients, traditions and techniques. Our first book, The Lee Bros. Southern Cookbook, featured classic southern cooking, the kinds of dishes we ate growing up in Charleston in the 1980s. The new book reflects more the way we cook southern now, with a focus on fresh ingredients and simple preparations. We believe that the old stereotypes about southern food--that's it's all unhealthy, and that it's time-consuming to prepare--are being shed in favor of a richer understanding of its history, its regionalisms and interpretations over the centuries. I'd welcome a discussion on any of these themes, and I'd also be happy to answer any practical questions you may have about southern ingredients and/or recipes, old and new.


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