Schroder: A Novel

A Conversation with Visiting Writer Amity Gaige and Professor of English Judy Frank


"He’s got this emotional interest in silence, which we can analyze being many different kinds of silences in his life; the silence of his mother, the silence of his father, his parents together, the silences between he and his wife as their marriage is falling apart. He’s trying to see them and he’s trying to study them as if somehow one can do that. There’s some amusing irony, at least for me, that he’s trying to attempt one scholarly pursuit that is almost impossible."


About the Interviewer

Judith Frank, who has taught English at Amherst College since 1998, holds a BA from the Hebrew University, and an MFA and PhD from Cornell University.  She is the author of Common Ground: Eighteenth-Century English Satiric Fiction and the Poor (Stanford Univ. Press, 1997), and the novel Crybaby Butch (Firebrand Books, 2004), which was awarded the Astraea Foundation’s Emerging Lesbian Writers Fund Prize in Fiction in 2000, and a Lambda Literary Award in 2005.  She has been a resident at Yaddo and the MacDowell Colony, and has published short fiction in The Massachusetts Review, other voices, and Best Lesbian Love Stories 2005.  In 2008 she won a National Endowment for the Arts grant for her second novel, Noah’s Ark, which is currently under review for publication.