The Office of Community Living values the social education and engagement of students living in our residence halls. For some students, though, the opportunity to live in the wider community provides an experience that is more conducive to their developmental or environmental needs. To include those students with such interests, a small number of students (maximum of 60 students) are approved to reside off campus.

General Guidelines

  • Students are not guaranteed approval to live off campus.
  • Once approval is granted, a student may generally continue to live off campus in subsequent semesters/years.
  • Students must reside within a 20-mile radius of campus.
  • The Office of Community Living does not offer an off-campus listing service, nor does it offer assistance with arrangements or with securing a lease. Students are responsible for making all plans and arranging their housing and off-campus logistics.

Once a student applies, is approved, and moves forward with moving into their off-campus housing, the College will not provide lease forgiveness should a conflict arise where the student vacates the property. Should a student seek to return to College housing, the Office of Community Living will offer any available and appropriate vacancies with the expectation that the new resident will pay for the prorated portion of the remaining housing fee.

Application Process

All students must begin the process by submitting an Off-Campus Housing Application.  

Criteria for Consideration

The following criteria are considered in making approval determinations for off-campus living. The current number of students approved to live off-campus (60 in 2024) varies from year to year at the discretion of the College. 

  • Students lived off-campus in the previous cycle
  • Student  lives with a parent or legal guardian within a 20-mile radius
  • Student  is 25 years or older
  • Student  is married or is in a domestic partnership
  • Student  has dependent children living with them

Sophomores, juniors, and seniors may apply to reside off campus until the maximum allowance is reached. First-year students are required to live in residence on campus on the First-Year Quad (some exceptions may apply).  

The application process remains open on a rolling basis.

Students who are approved to live off campus will receive communication to confirm their address associated with their lease. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the Housing Selection Process until they have a confirmed lease. 

We ask all students to consider the following questions and factors while contemplating the option of residing off campus:

  • Weigh the cost of residing off campus. Think about travel and food costs and food security. Would you continue to want a meal plan?
  • Have you consulted financial aid/student accounts about how the change will affect you financially?
  • Do you have reliable transportation/ability to travel to classes during inclement weather? Is the property on a bus line?
  • Please consult with the Office of Accessibility Services if applicable.
  • Do you have an emergency contact who can assist you with securing the lease/ if an urgent matter arises?