Please utilize the links below to convey information to us in an accurate and complete manner.

Note, some forms are no longer accepting responses.

Request New Bedroom Key: Please use this form to let the College know you are no longer in possession of your room key.  We will issue you a spare key, and determine if the lock needs to be changed.  

Please direct meal plan questions to Dining Services at 

Room Change Requests: All room changes begin with a conversation with your Community Advisor (CA).  Your CA will then bring your information to the Community Development Coordinator (CDC). 

Fall: The process opens in mid-September, 2024.  The final room changes for the semester will be approved in November, 2024 and must be completed before November break. The fall room change process has closed for the semester.  Exceptions considered for urgent circumstances only. 

Spring: The process opens in mid-February, 2025. The final room changes must be completed prior to Spring Break. The OSA Operations Team must dedicate Spring Break and the month that follows to implementing the Housing Selection Process. Exceptions considered for urgent circumstances only.  The Spring room change process has closed for the semester.  

Off-Campus Housing Application 2024-2025: Accepting on a rolling basis.

Theme & Language Community Applications

The wooden Amherst College sign with Johnson Chapel in the distance

Important Dates

Please review our list of breaks and important dates for the semester and academic year.