The campus map of the Williston, North, South and Appleton residence halls
Williston, North, South and Appleton as seen on the Amherst College map.

The four oldest residence halls on campus, including the College's oldest building, sit atop the West hill of the quad flanking Amherst's iconic Johnson Chapel in what is known as College Row. These buildings have a rich history and served many funtions as the College grew and developed. Two hundred years later, most first year students are housed on the First Year Quad, either West or East, with a residential program focused specifically on the needs of incoming students. Placing new students together in the center of campus enables them to form strong bonds with eachother, with our campus community and within easy access to our many academic and co-curricular resources. Our First Year residential program focuses on assisting students adapt to college life, establish friendships, and develop a caring and vibrant community.

Did you know...?

Appleton used to be called the Appleton Cabinet and housed the Hitchcock Ichnological Collection, the Gilbert Mueseum of Indian Relics, the Adam's Zoological Collection, as well as a hundred specimen from the Audobon collection of birds (1894). Amherst College: photographic views of all the college buildings : with description, together with some of the principal streets and public buildings of the town of Amherst. Amherst, Mass.: J.L. Lovell.).

Appleton Residence Hall

Built in 1855, Appleton was rennovated in 1999.

North Residence Hall

Built in 1823, North has gone through a number of renovations, most recently in 2004. It originally functioned as a multipurpose building during the early years of the College. It has been used exclusively as student housing since 1892.

Originally, North's 4th floor South entry was used for academic purposes and also served as chapel, lecture room, laboratory, library, and storage cabinet for physics and chemistry apparatus. The building was briefly renamed “Middle College” durring period 1827-1857 when Old North College (located on the present day Williston site) existed.

South Residence Hall

Built in 1821, South is the oldest building on College grounds and was rennovated in 2004. 

Williston Residence Hall

Built in 1858, Williston was most recently renovated in 2003. When it was built it had a tower on its North side (Stanley King, "The Consecrated  Eminence": The Story of the Campus and Buildings of Amherst College, 1951).