Simple Practice, Deep Transformation

Breathwork is practiced laying down, with guidance and coaching, amidst dimmed lights and energizing music. RSL Director Harrison Blum, a certified breathwork teacher, begins by explaining the technique, what to expect, and how to modulate the intensity of experience. The practice elicits a state of transient hypofrontality in which the default mode of managing experience (or we could say, the ego mind) quiets down. Participant feedback on Harrison's sessions include: "transcendent, alive, powerful, visceral, amazing, deeply emotionally touched, at peace, more open."

Contraindications for participation include severe and persistent pulmonary, cardiovascular, or mental health (i.e. schizophrenia) diagnoses. Please contact Harrison with questions at

This can be a powerful individual or group practice, and can be combined with other group process work or individual spiritual counseling. Contact Harrison with requests, including to guide pre-existing groups (such as sports teams, classes, and residence hall floors) or new ones!

Picture of Harrison Blum leading a breathwork session