Residence Hall Laundry Facilities

A young man doing laundry

Laundry facilities are available in the residence halls. AC Web Laundry provides web access to real-time laundry machine status information for campus washers and dryers. 

  • FYQ East - Charles Pratt & James
  • FYQ West - Appleton, North, South, Williston
  • Central Campus - Morrow, Moore, Valentine, Jenkins, 
  • GKW - Ford, Lee, Greenway C, Nicholls Biondi, King, Wieland
  • North Campus - Tyler, Marsh, Plimpton, Porter, Garman, Lipton, Cohan, Charles Drew
  • West Campus - Hitchcock, Mayo-Smith, Seelye, Humphries, Chapman, Newport, Seligman