Sample Thesis Topics

  • 2019 Fertility and Vengeance in the Oresteia
  • 2017 Troy is Gone: Lament in Euripides' Trojan Women
  • 2017 Pylades' Metamorphoses: A Study of Pantomime and its Influence on Early Imperial Literature
  • 2017 Custom is King: Cultural Relativism in the Funeral Rituals of Herodotus' "Histories"
  • 2016 Media Scientia: Knowledge and Politics in Cicero's Philosophy
  • 2015 CAECAS LATEBRAS INSINUARE: Lucretius' Quest for an Independent Reader in the De Rerum Natura
  • 2014 Dining in Dystopia: The Dysfunctional Literary Banquet
  • 2013 The Mount Holyoke Pyxis: An Investigation
  • 2012 The Politics of Imagery: Representations of Roman Public & Domestic Space in Cicero's De Domo Sua
  • 2011 Dependence on Foreign Oil: A Study of Baetican Olive Oil in the Roman Economy
  • 2011 Dike in the fragments of Heraclitus: A Reinterpretation of Hesiodic Principles
  • 2011 Cicero and the Dictators: Rome's Collapse through the Eyes of a Good Man
  • 2010 Textile Variety and the Iconography of the Arkteia
  • 2010 Domestic Danger: Women, Slaves and Loyalty in Homer's Odyssey
  • 2010 Powerful Comparisons: How Similies Influence our Understanding of Vergil's Aeneid
  • 2010 Poetry and Philosophy of Gastronomy in Horace's Satires 2.2 and 2.6 
  • 2007 The Fight for Glory: Depictions of Heroism in the Iliad and the Aeneid
  • 2007 Allusion in Lycidas
  • 2006 Vergil's Vision of the Golden Age in the Georgics
  • Plautus' Amphitruo: Mercury's Metatheatrical Control
  • Interpretations of the Life of Lucius Cornelius Sulla
  • Desultoria Scientia: The Metaphysical Horseplay of Apuleius
  • Architecture of Empire
  • What Was It It Whispered? Heraclitus, Lucretius, Robert Frost
  • Heroidum Epistula XII: Medea Iasoni
  • On the Meaning of charma brotoisi in the Hymn to Apollo
  • The Trail of ponos: Hound & Hunter, Pursuit & Flight in the Oresteia of Aeschylus
  • Deciphering Dress Codes: The Construction of Gender in Aristophanes' Lysistrata
  • Sleeping with the Enemy: "Foreign" Wives in the Hippolytus and the Medea
  • Propertius: Elegy from the Other Perspective
  • Furi et Aureli, Comites Catulli
  • A Pharmakon for Boundless Love: Theokritos Idylls 2 and 11
  • Savagery, Friendship and the Reclamation of Heroic Destiny: Sophocles' Philoctetes
  • Three Latin Love Poets and the Objects of Their Desire
  • Ancient Greek Quarrying: A Provenance Study of Limestone from the Palace of Nestor with a Historical Survey of Ancient Techniques
  • Satyrs and the Cyclops: The Influence of Representations of Satyrs on the Portrayal of the Character in the Cyclops
  • Recognition and Reciprocity in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter
  • deilos versus esthlos in Hesiod's Works and Days
  • Furor, Fata and Female Folly in Virgil's Aeneid
  • Extremities and Obscenities: The Phusis-Nomos Dichotomy in Aristophanes' Wasps
  • The Changing Voice: Self-Expression in Ovid's Metamorphoses
  • The Hermeneutics of Cosmology: A Study of the Place, Role and Orientation of Man in the World in the Poetry of Hesiod, Aratus and Virgil
  • Inequalities in Sentencing Procedures: The Case of Imperial Rome vs. the United States Today
  • Cicero and Octavian: A Fatal Alliance
  • The Epistulae Morales of Seneca: An Interpretation
  • A Study of Longinus' peri hupsous
  • Between Two Dangers: An Analysis of the Theme Distinctions in Virgil's Third Georgic
  • Empedoclean Elements Within The Philosophic Poetry of Lucretius
  • Catullus 61 and the Literary Tradition of the Wedding Song
  • Dissension in the Ranks: The Narrative Function of Disloyal Slaves in the Odyssey
  • Architecture of Empire: Vitruvius' De Architectura in Augustan Rome
  • Deridesne Me?: the Role of Mockery and Derision in Plautine Comedy

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Tags:  classics