Travel and Expense Reimbursement

Reimbursements for valid business expenses incurred on behalf of the College are submitted and approved in Workday and processed by the Accounts Payable team. Reimbursements should be submitted soon after the expenses are incurred and no later than one month following the expense.  Payments will be processed on the Thursday following all approvals being completed in Workday.

  • Go to Create Expense Report in Workday (Also available in the Expenses App on the Workday homepage).
  • All receipts need to be uploaded into Workday (.heic is not currently an accepted format for uploads in Workday, please convert the to .jpeg or .pdf formats)
  • Include all information required for reimbursement i.e., explanations of business travel and detail for business meals, including purpose and list of attendees.
  • Once submitted, the Expense Report will be routed in Workday to the relevant groups for approval and processing.
  • To receive reimbursements electronically, set up direct deposit for expense reports using the Payment Elections page in Workday.  

Incomplete submissions and those not following policy will be returned to the individual requesting reimbursement.

Please note: If you have incurred expenses in foreign locations, please note the country on your expense form.

For current IRS mileage rate information, please visit the IRS' website.