November 1 (or the following Monday if November 1 falls on a weekend)

  • Requests for visitors due from departments to the dean's office

By December 1 (or the following Monday if December 1 falls on a weekend)

  • The provost and dean of the faculty approves visitor requests and informs departments.

By January 1


  • Departments/search committees conduct interviews.  
  • Academic department coordinators make interview appointments with an associate provost; contact Polly Devereux.
  • Academic department coordinators make appointments for exit interviews with a faculty equity and inclusion officer who has been assigned to the search; contact Jenny Citarelli to schedule.
  • Departments/search committees make a hiring recommendation to the associate provost who interviewed candidates and work with that colleague on the hiring process.
  • The associate provost assigned to the search conveys the offer to the candidate.