Panel I: Poetics of Elena Guro

Welcome by Stanley Rabinowitz, Director of the Amherst Center for Russian Culture

Panel Participants:
Nina Gourianova, Northwestern University: “Elena Guro’s Alchemy of Writing”
Catherine Ciepiela, Amherst College: “Guro’s Harlequinade”
Kevin O’Brien, Chapman University: “Guro’s ‘Korova’”

Discussant: Michael Kunichika, Amherst College

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Panel II: Guro and Avant-Garde Art

Panel Participants
- Andrei Sarabianov, Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center (Moscow): “Elena Guro as Avant-garde Artist”

- Isabel Wünsche, Jacobs University Bremen: “Elena Guro, Mikhail Matiushin, and the Organic School of the Russian Avant-Garde”

Discussant: Alla Rosenfeld, Amherst College

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Panel III: Guro: Projections

Panel Participants:
- Ilya Kukuj, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: “Elena Guro’s The Poor Knight (1910-13) and Ry Nikonova’s Jesus the Student (1969)”
- Ainsley Morse, Harvard University: “The ‘Guro Strain’ in Contemporary Poetry”
- Matvei Yankelevich, Ugly Duckling Presse: “Translating the Slippery Transcendentalism of Elena Guro”

Discussant: Stephanie Sandler, Harvard University

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Poetry Reading

Introduced by Polina Barskova, Hampshire College

- Kevin O’Brien, Chapman University
- Matvei Yankelevich, Ugly Duckling Presse

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