Let Us Watch Richard Wilbur: Reviews

"This book tells the story of a fascinating and deeply civilized life, the life of the poet Richard Wilbur. It rests on long and deep research. It is well and succinctly told. And it is a true critical biography, which slights neither the subject's life nor his work, but presents them as an integrated whole. Richard Wilbur, now in his middle nineties, will live on among the great American poets, and this biography rises to its transcendent subject."―Tracy Kidder

"The authors enrich our understanding of Wilbur's poems by discussing them in the context of his life―how his experiences shed light on particular lines."―Scott Knickerbocker, author of Ecopoetics: The Language of Nature, the Nature of Language

"With admirable scholarship and acumen, Robert and Mary Bagg provide much valuable information, from childhood to the present, about the life and work of a great American poet. Many will wish to re-read Richard Wilbur's poetry in the new light of context and circumstance that the Baggs provide."―R. S. Gwynn, poet and critic