Faculty who wish to use NameCoach in their class can add the NameCoach tool to their Moodle site.

Read our related article Create Inclusive & Connected Learning Communities with NameCoach to see how Amherst faculty are using NameCoach in their classes. 

Add the NameCoach Tool

  1. Click the "Add an Activity or Resource Menu" in the Moodle section where you want the NameCoach link to live (it probably makes sense for it to go in the top section, under "Video Reserves") and select "NameCoach". 

  2. For Activity Name, enter "NameCoach" (or whatever name makes sense to you). 
    activity name

  3. Leave everything else as-is and click Save and Return to Course. 

Tips & Best Practices

  • Record your name as well.
  • Announce the tool in class and encourage use. 
  • Have completing a name recording count toward the students' grades (even just a little bit).  

Viewing Recorded Names

Below the recorder, you will see a list of class participants who have provided name recordings. Faculty will also see an "Actions" column, which they can use to email students about their recordings. 

roster view

Faculty can send an email reminder to students who have not yet recorded their name by clicking the "Unrecorded Names" tab and clicking "Remind All". 

remind students