1. Mentoring in Departments

  • Refer to the faculty mentoring program to understand the expectations for mentors, mentees, and chairs.
  • Share the department's mentoring plan with new colleagues.
  • Discuss the department’s expectations in regard to research, teaching, and service at Amherst, and the expectations of the field.
  • Determine which department member(s) will be the designated mentor.
  • Coordinate class visits for the semester with senior colleagues.  Some departments do not have class visits until the second semester.  Ensure that new colleagues know when department members will visit classes and that colleagues meet before and after each classroom observation to discuss the visit.
  • Remind senior colleagues that it is helpful if new colleagues are invited to attend their classes.
  • Ensure that new colleagues know the number of course preparations expected of them and the process for proposing new courses.

  • Discuss the role of the ADC, preferably with the ADC(s) present, and what work they can be asked to do and not asked to do.
  • Explain the role of the annual conversation in discussing progress toward tenure.
  • Explain the department’s role in the reappointment and tenure processes.
  • When relevant, explain the expectations for jointly appointed faculty

2. Discuss Resources Offered by the College
     Note the following opportunities that are available to colleagues:

3. Mentoring Beyond the Department