Sample Interview Questions

What attracted you to this position?

What do you think are your greatest strengths as an instructor? In which areas do you feel you can use further development?

What courses would you like to offer?

You might be expected to teach course XXXX in our department. How would you go about teaching that?

What experience do you have in engaging with a racially diverse student body, both inside and outside of the classroom?

Have you had access to and taken advantage of workshops or trainings to develop your teaching or advising skills?

What is your research agenda and publishing plan over the next few years?

How are Amherst College and the Five-College network a productive place to help you advance in your research, and what support would you need in the process?

How do you think you can successfully engage in both scholarship and teaching at a liberal arts college, and what questions do you have about liberal arts colleges?

What have you learned and what more would you like to know about professional development opportunities, including resource support, student interns, research leaves, small class options, etc.?

What are skills or attributes you would like us to know about you that are not already clear from your application?

Are there other people or departments on campus you would like to meet or communicate with?

Interview Questions to Avoid*

You cannot ask any questions during an interview that relate to an applicant’s race, color, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, gender orientation or genetic information, national origin, or disability.

Are you a U.S. citizen?

 Where were you born?

 What is your birth date?

How old are you?

Do you have a disability?

Are you married?

What is your spouse’s name?

What is your maiden name?

Do you have any children?

Do you have childcare arrangements?

What is your race or ethic origin?

Which church do you attend?

What is your religion?

Acceptable Alternative Questions

Do you have any responsibilities that conflict with the job’s attendance or travel requirements?

Are you able to work in the United States?

Are you able to perform the duties on the job description with or without reasonable accommodations?

Have you ever been convicted of a felony crime?

If hired, can you provide proof that you are at least 18 years of age?

Do you have any conflict that would prevent you from working the schedule discussed?

Have you worked under any other professional name or nickname?

Do you have any relatives currently working for this institution? 

Would you have any problem working overtime, if required?

*Lee, C.D. 2000. Search Committees: A Tool Kit for Human Resource Professionals, Administrators and Committee Members. Washington, DC: College and University Professional Associations for Human Resources.