The campus map of the Tyler, Marsh, Plimpton, Porter, Garman, Lipton, Cohan and Charles Drew residence halls
Tyler, Marsh, Plimpton, Porter, Garman, Lipton, Cohan and Charles Drew as seen on the Amherst College map.

Did you know...?

The residence halls on North Campus and West Campus  are named after those who have, "provided distinctive and distinguished service to Amherst." Learn more in New Names for Student Houses at Amherst (1984) [Archives Ref.]

Tyler, Plimpton & Marsh Residence Halls

Tyler was built in 1932; Plimpton was built in 1914; and Marsh was built in 1929.

Porter & Garman Residence Halls

Porter was built 1916 and renovated in 2007; Garman was built in 1916 and renovated in 2014.

Lipton, Cohan & Charles Drew Residence Halls

Lipton was built in 1917 and renovated in 2007; Cohan was built in 1986; and Charles Drew was built in 1922 and renovated in 2008.