The campus map of the Hitchcock, Mayo-Smith, Seelye, Humphries, Chapman, Newport and Seligman residence halls
Hitchcock, Mayo-Smith, Seelye, Humphries, Chapman, Newport, and Seligman as seen on the Amherst College map.

Hitchcock, Seelye & Mayo-Smith Residence Halls

Hitchcock was built in 1927 and renovated in 2009; Seelye was built in 1912 and renovated in 2009; and Mayo-Smith was built in 1923 and renovated in 2008.

Seligman & Newport Residence Halls

Seligman was built in 1921 and renovated in 2013, and Newport was built in 1913 and renovated in 1998.

Chapman & Humphries Residence Halls

Chapman was in built 1900 and renovated in 1987, and Humphries was built in 1921.