Doctor of Letters

Elaine Kim

May 26, 2024

A pioneer in the field of Asian American and Asian diaspora studies, Elaine H. Kim is a professor emerita in the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.

Kim’s pathbreaking scholarship and advocacy centering the experiences, perspectives, struggles and authorial voices of Asian Americans were instrumental in the founding of the Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies Program at UC Berkeley—and in widening recognition for the vibrant field of Asian American and Pacific Islander studies.

Over the course of her career, Kim has written, edited or co-edited 10 books, including Asian American Literature: An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context, With Silk Wings: Asian American Women at Work, Dangerous Women: Gender and Korean Nationalism (co-edited with Chungmoo Choi), East to America: Korean American Life Stories and Fresh Talk / Daring Gazes: Conversations on Asian American Art. She has directed or produced three documentaries: Slaying the Dragon: Asian Women in U.S. Television and Film, Labor Women and Reloaded: Representing Asian Women Beyond Hollywood.

Elaine Kim

Kim’s leadership has included serving on the National Council of the American Studies Association and as president of the Association for Asian American Studies. Outside of the academy, she has founded and led important community organizations in the Bay Area, including Asian Women United of California, the Korean Community Center of the East Bay and Asian Immigrant Women Advocates.

Kim’s outstanding contributions have been recognized with numerous awards, including the Global Korea Award, the Asian Pacific American Heritage Lifetime Achievement Award, the Association for Asian American Studies Lifetime Achievement Award and the California State Assembly’s Award for Excellence in Education.

After earning a bachelor of arts degree in English and American literature from the University of Pennsylvania, Kim earned a master of arts in English and comparative literature from Columbia University and a doctorate in social foundations of education from UC Berkeley.

Audio: “Life Lessons from Asian American Studies” 

Talk by Elaine Kim, May 25, 2024