Academic Year 2024-2025

Ad Hoc Committee for Student Learning:  Professor Javier Corrales, Professor Anna Martini, Professor Joseph Moore, Professor Leah Schmalzbauer

Advisory Committee to the Committee on Trusteeship: Professor David Hansen, Professor Kate Sims

Advisory Committee on Honorary Degrees : Professor David Hansen, Professor Kate Sims

Alpha Delta Phi Committee: Professor Ron Bashford, Professor Joshua Guilford, Professor Geoffrey Sanborn (chair), Professor Eric Sawyer

Committee on Academic Standing and Special Majors: Professor Sandra Burkett, Professor Thomas Dumm, Professor Jonas Rosenbrueck (chair), Program Director: Careers in Health Professions Richard Aronson, Director of Institutional Research and Registrar Services Jesse Barba, secretary, ex officio, Associate Dean/Director of Global Education Office Janna Behrens, Director of Immigration and Visa Services Hanna Bliss, Senior Associate Dean of Students and Dean of Class of 2024 Charri Boykin-East, Senior Associate Dean of Students and Sophomore Class Dean Jess Caldwell-O'Keefe, Registrar Becky Catarelli, Assistant Director of Global Education Chelsi Colleton, Director of Athletics Donald Faulstick, Dean of Financial Aid Gail Holt, ex officio, Associate Dean of Students and Director of Case Management Scott Howard, Director of the Moss Quantitative Center Jennifer Innes, Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Matt McGann, Dean of Class of 2025 Professor David Schneider, Chief Student Affairs Officer and Dean of Students Angie Tissi-Gassoway (co-chair), ex officio, Dean of New Students Kiara Vigil, Dean of Admission Cate Zolkos

Committee on Adjudication: Professor Kristen Bumiller, Professor Ethan Clotfelter, Professor Jonathan Friedman, Professor Alexander George, Professor Jun Ishii, Professor Sean Redding, Professor Catherine Sanderson, Professor Olufemi Vaughan

Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid: Professor Ron Bashford, Professor Adam Honig, Professor Ron Lembo (chair), Professor Jill Miller, Provost and Dean of the Faculty Martha Umphrey, ex officio, Dean of Financial Aid Gail Holt, ex officio, Dean of Admission and Financial Aid Matthew McGann, secretary, ex officio, Associate Chief Student Affairs Officer Megan Lennon, ex officio, Dean of Admission Cate Zolkos

College Council: Professor Victor Guevara, Professor Jakina Debnam Guzman, Professor Timothy van Compernolle, Director of Community Standards Corey Michalos, Chief Student Affairs Officer and Dean of Students Angie Tissi-Gassoway, ex officio

College Housing Committee: Professor Daniella Bardalez Gagliuffi, Professor Aneeka Henderson, Professor Jacob Olshansky, Professor Jenna Riegel, Professor Christopher van den Berg (chair), Associate Provost and Associate Dean of the Faculty Professor Anthony Bishop, ex officio, Senior Director of Human Resources Strategy and Operations Christopher Casey, ex officio, Executive Director of Campus Operations Ralph Johnson, ex officio, Director of Treasury Operations & Analysis Jeff Davis,  ex officio, Director of Rental Housing, Kimberly Eggleston, ex officio

Committee on Education and Athletics: Professor Robert Benedetto, Professor Elizabeth Kneeland, Professor Austin Sarat, Director of Athletics Donald Faulstick, Senior Head Coach/Physical Education Instructor Carol Knerr, Chief Student Affairs Officer and Dean of Students Angie Tissi-Gassoway, ex officio

Committee on Educational Policy (CEP): Professor Christopher Durr, Professor David Hall, Professor Catherine Infante (chair), Professor Eleonora Mattiacci, Professor Nishi Shah, Provost and Dean of the Faculty Martha Umphrey, ex officio,

Committee on Global Education: Professor Amelie Hastie, Professor Sanam Nader-Esfahani, Professor Ashwin Ravikumar, Registrar Becky Catarelli, ex officio, Director of Global Education Janna Behrens, ex officio

Committee on Health Professions: Professor Amy Demorest, Professor David Hansen, Professor Jeeyon Jeong, Professor William Loinaz, Health Professions Advisor/Assistant Dean of Students Richard Aronson, MD, ex officio

Committee on Priorities and Resources (CPR): Professor Ashley Carter, Professor Frederick Griffiths; Professor Jonathan Obert; Professor John Rager (chair); Assistant Registrar Syd Cooney; Associate Chief Financial Officer Thomas Dwyer, ex officio; Provost and Dean of the Faculty Martha Umphrey, ex officio; Chief Human Resources Officer Kate Harrington, ex officio;  Admission Counselor Cassidy Pawul; Chief Financial and Administrative Officer Mike Thomas, ex officio; Director of Financial Planning Ashley Travis, ex officio

Community Standards Review Board: Professor Katharine Correia, Professor Robert Hayashi, Professor Jared Loggins, Professor Ren Wiscons

Faculty Committee on Student Fellowships: Professor Michael Cohen, Professor Rafeeq Hasan, Professor Trent Maxey, Professor Nathan Pflueger, Professor Rebecca Stephens Falcasantos, Professor Lei Ying, Director of Fellowships Christine Overstreet, ex officio

Faculty Computer Committee: Professor Adam Levine, Professor Lillian Pentecost, Professor David Zurieck-Brown, Associate Provost and Associate Dean of the Faculty Professor Anthony Bishop, ex officio, Director of the Library Martin Garnar, ex officio, Chief Information Officer David Hamilton, ex officio, Director of Academic Technology Services Jaya Kannan, ex officio

Faculty Executive Committee: Professor Stefan Bradley, Professor Amy Coddington, Professor David Hanneke (chair), Professor Nicholas Holschuh, Professor Caroline Goutte, Provost and Dean of the Faculty Martha Umphrey, ex officio, President Michael Elliott, ex officio

Faculty Lecture Committee: Professor Amanda Folsom, Professor Frank Leon Roberts, Professor Vanessa Walker  (Lecture fund request form)

Faculty Committee on Research Awards (FRAP): Professor Daniel Barbezat, Professor Andrew Dole, Professor Michael Hood, Associate Provost and Associate Dean of the Faculty Professor Anthony Bishop, ex officio 

First-Year Seminar Committee: Professor Hannah Hunter-Parker, Professor Scott Kaplan, Professor Edward Melillo

Folger Representative: Professor Anston Bosman  

Human Subjects Committee (IRB): Professor Ronald Lembo, Professor Carrie Palmquist (chair), Professor Catherine Sanderson, Amy Siege (community representative), Senior Associate Dean of Students Charri Boykin-East, Associate Provost and Associate Dean of the Faculty Professor Anthony Bishop

Institutional Animal Care Use Committee (IACUC): Professor John-Paul Baird, Professor Ethan Clotfelter (chair), Professor Joseph Moore, Professor Ethan Temeles, Professor Josef Trapani, Professor Sarah Turgeon, UMass Amherst Health Services Dr. Richard J. Rubin, Veterinarian Dr. Michael Esmail, Associate Provost and Associate Dean of the Faculty Professor Anthony Bishop, ex officio, Research Laboratory Coordinator Maureen Manning, ex officio, Administrative Director of the Science Center Jess Martin, ex officio, Director of Environmental Health and Safety Richard Mears, ex officio

Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC): Professor Caroline Goutte, Professor Alexandra Purdy (chair), Professor Katerina Ragkousi, Professor Josef Trapani, David Berkman (community representative), Research Laboratory Coordinator Maureen Manning, Norman Price (community representative), Dr. Richard J. Rubin (community representative), Associate Provost and Associate Dean of the Faculty Professor Anthony Bishop, ex officio, Administrative Director of the Science Center Jess Martin, ex officio, Director of Chemical and Laboratory Safety Jason Williams, ex officio

Laser and Radiation Safety Committee: Professor David Hall, Professor David Hansen, Professor Tekla Harms, Professor Larry Hunter, Assistant Director of HR Services Scott Kinney, Research Laboratory Coordinator Maureen Manning, Director of Environmental Health & Safety Rick Mears, Director of Chemical and Laboratory Safety Jason Williams

Library Committee: Professor Alicia Christoff, Professor Mesay Gebresilasse, Professor Amy Wagaman, Director or the Library Martin Garnar, ex officio

Science Faculty Steering Committee: Professor John-Paul Baird, Professor Ashley Carter, Professor Ethan Clotfelter, Professor David Hanneke, Professor David Hansen, Professor Nicholas Horton, Professor David Jones, Professor Edward Melillo, Professor Carrie Palmquist, Professor Lee Spector, Associate Provost and Associate Dean of the Faculty Professor Anthony Bishop, ex officio, Administrative Director of the Science Center Jess Martin

Sexual Respect Task Force: Professor Ruxandra Paul

Summer Science Undergraduate Research Fellows Committee (SURF): Professor David Hansen, Senior Academic Technology Specialist Andy Anderson, Science Librarian Stephanie Capsuto, Director of the Writing Center Jessica Kem, Research Laboratory Coordinator Maureen Manning, Program Director Amherst Career in Science & Technology Carolyn Margolin, Administrative Director of the Science Center Jess Martin, Science Center Programs Coordinator Sarah Mattison-Buhl, Director of Chemical and Laboratory Safety Jason Williams

Title IX Review Committee: Professor Jessica Reyes; Interim Director of Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator, Maureen Holland; and Chief Student Affairs Officer and Dean of Students, Angie Tissi-Gassoway

Tenure and Promotion Committee:  Professor Amrita Basu, Professor Christopher Dole, Professor Jeffers Engelhardt, Professor David Jones, Professor Karen Sanchez-Eppler, Provost and Dean of the Faculty Martha Umphrey, ex officio, President Michael Elliott, ex officio