Explore the Geology of the Sanctuary

Welcome to the Amherst College Wildlife Sanctuary! As part of our summer internship project at the Beneski Museum of Natural History, we have put together a collection of special points of interest along the trail that connect back to the Museum and its collections. As you explore the Sanctuary, scan any QR codes you come across or navigate internally through our website for a deep dive into the intricate and fascinating natural history of the College and its surroundings. 

This project is a work in progress, and we would be thrilled if you could offer us any input, criticism, or comments. At your earliest convenience, we ask you to take a couple of minutes to fill out the feedback form below or email us at abaldwin24@amherst.edu and dackerman23@amherst.edu

Enjoy your adventure! And make sure to visit the Beneski Museum!

Dalya Ackerman ‘23 & Annika Baldwin ‘24

Trail Map

The numbers on this map should match roughly to the locations of the QR codes on the trail. To learn more about the Amherst Wildlife Sanctuary, visit its webpage