Fall 2002


Darwin's Disciple
Microbiologist Carl Woese '50 has redrawn the tree of life and unsettled the world of biology, but he insists he's "just an average guy, okay?"
By Tom Nugent

There to Help
Psychologist Jacqueline Bearce, director of the college's Counseling Center, seeks to "make a difference in the lives of students—especially those who are having difficulties."
By D.C. Wilson ’62

Surgeon in the NBA
Dr. Steve Lombardo '63 is the orthopedic surgeon who helps keep Shaquille O'Neal and other professional athletes on their feet.
By Gary Libman

Crackerjacks Peddle Peanuts
Ted Lee '93 and his brother Matt have a business selling boiled peanuts, creesy greens, moon pies and other Southern delectables.
By Lauren Groff ’01


College Row
Garden is dedicated to ties with Japan—The "mod pods"—Faculty activities—Feverish collecting—Editor retires.

Place-kicker Mike Proman '03 earns kudos for good works.
By Rebecca Binder '02

Amherst Authors
Globalization woes—Two Dickinson houses—Post-Soviet symbols—A Nazi in Spain.

Time for heterogeneity—Remembering the Zoo—Class Notes Redux.


"Privilege Is Here..."
President Kennedy spoke at the ground-breaking ceremony for Robert Frost Library.