Johnson Chapel Associate Profile: Douglas P. Butler ’42

douglas butler

Much as changed from the Amherst of 1938, when Doug Butler arrived on campus. Those were the days of mandatory pea-green greetings, fraternities as a home away from home, and, of course, the fall hurricane that leveled much of the campus.

Yet much remains the same. Small classes, one-on-one discussions with favorite professors, Kirby Theater, the Glee Club, and the rigor of the academic experience.

Doug remembers it all, having cherished his years at Amherst even as he served in the Navy during WWII and throughout his successful business career as a paper distributor in Worcester. Now retired, and active with local boards and committees involved with the preservation of historic structures and sites, Doug in a way has helped preserve the memories of Amherst for his class, having served as reunion chair for many recent reunions.

Thoughts on Giving to Amherst: “I think the college, as a significant cog in the wheel of civilized society, has produced a continuous stream of talented thinkers and doers. I believe that those of us who benefit daily from our Amherst experience can recognize the college’s important role through our ongoing financial support.”

The Johnson Chapel Associates society recognizes those alumni and friends who have named Amherst in their will and/or provided for the college through a planned gift. For more information contact Timothy A. Neale ’70, Director of Planned Gifts, Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01002-5000, (413) 542-8256.