Amherst Magazine, Summer 2004


Venture Capitalists of the Mind
President Anthony W. Marx’s Commencement address.

A Soldier’s Tale
First Lieutenant Paul Rieckhoff ’98 recently returned from 10 months in Iraq, where he led an Army Reserve platoon on the streets of Baghdad. The former Amherst Student Government Organization president provides an infantryman’s insights into death, duty and the achievements and costs of a controversial war.
Dick Hubert ’60 and Robert Longsworth II ’99

At Home in the Whirlwind
When Russian major Michele Berdy graduated in 1978, she moved to the Soviet Union and has hardly looked back since. Over the past 30 years, she’s lived through, and even helped shape, many of Russia’s modern upheavals.
By J. Quinn Martin

The Sin in Thin
Eating disorders have become epidemic, particularly on college campuses, where a third of female students turn to extreme behaviors like induced vomiting and laxative abuse to stay dangerously thin. Assistant Professor of Psychology Catherine Sanderson believes she has found some of the root causes of this problem.
By Mark Cherrington


College Row
Frost Library’s millionth volume— Honorary degrees—Prof. Moore retires—Spanglish conference—Lord Jeffery’s two-headed snake—Enigma deciphered. Also: From the Folger and Verbatim.

Raul Altreche ’06 beats the odds.

Amherst Creates
The Deerfield Massacre—T.S. Eliot, party animal. Also: Short Takes.

Homage to Ed Wall—Amherst and Iraq—Beating cheating—Respecting the War Memorial.

Johnson Chapel Associate
Henry Tulgan '54