Peter Schilling joined the Amherst College staff July 1 as director of in-formation technology.

Schilling is particularly interested in exploring new pedagogical strategies that use emerging information technology resources, cultural issues and approaches around technology. He also has expertise developing and managing Websites.

At Amherst, Schilling will be responsible for the planning and coordination of computing technology, network services and telecommunications throughout the college. His responsibilities will include collaborating with a wide range of constituencies, including faculty, students, staff and administrators; serving as the primary technology spokesperson for the college; facilitating the use of computer and network resources in the educational process; working with the college librarian to support information services provided by the library; seeking outside funding for technological innovation; and pursuing joint networking and technological projects with the other members of the Five College Consortium.

Schilling comes to Amherst from Wagner College, where he served as associate provost for information technology. Before that, he held appointments at Bowdoin College and at the College Board.

Schilling holds a Ph.D. in English from Columbia University and a B.A., also in English, from Georgetown University.