Dean Moss Retires

Associate Dean of Students Onawumi Jean Moss retired this spring after 21 years of service to Amherst College. At celebrations during Black Alumni Weekend and during the annual Keepers of the Word Storytelling Festival (which Moss founded 15 years ago), Moss was honored for her commitment to students, her revitalization of academic, residential and social support services; and the insight and candor she brought to discussions of college issues. This spring, dozens of alumni e-mailed messages that were collected into a scrapbook that was presented to Moss after her retirement. “I can hear your voice in so many aspects of my life,” wrote L’Quentus Thomas ’97, ”and it always reminds me to respect myself, to speak up, and to be courageous. You’ve always been a shining example of these things to me.” Vanessa Olivier ’01 wrote, “I am encouraged and motivated when watching you work, shape things and create things. Your stories speak directly to my spirit.”