“I certainly try to do as much research as possible. But I suppose I’m inclined to think that people are people, and people were people then as well.”

Novelist David Anthony Durham
On the challenges of writing historical fiction
Pruyne Lecture Hall, Feb. 13, 2006

“Push your instructors, your faculty. Push your administration. Push the officials of the town. Push everybody until they, like you, get the vision of the beloved community, a world without conflict.”

The Rev. Dr. Calvin O. Butts III
Featured speaker at the college’s interfaith service celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.
Johnson Chapel, Feb. 10, 2006

“It’s been a tough, emotional week for me. I’ve had more people call, write and e-mail me—some I don’t know. I never thought it would be so difficult to have people saying nice things about me.”

David Hixon ’75, acting co-director of athletics and men’s basketball coach After earning his 500th career victory, against Pomona-Pitzer on Jan. 2, 2006
In the Daily Hampshire Gazette, Jan. 9, 2006

“The very nature of photography should be about questions, not observations. I love the mind. I love the imagination. Photographers are always looking for life in all the wrong places. It’s not out there; it’s up here, in your head!”

Photographer Duane Michals
In a talk in conjunction with the Mead Art Museum exhibition “Duane Michals: Photography and Reality”
Stirn Auditorium, Feb. 16, 2006

“In every job I’ve had leading a non-profit organization, I’ve tried to spend 80 percent of my time thinking about the job at hand and 20 percent thinking outside of the box about the future and what might come next. I believe that if you don’t engage in strategic thinking, you’re not fully engaged.”

Hugh Price ’63
In a talk titled “Ask What You Can Do for Your Country—Answering JFK’s Call to Service,” launching the Fellowships for Action
Cole Assembly Room, Feb. 24, 2006

“Amherst has the chance, then, to prove that a small college can lead the way in undergraduate education, even in the face of accelerating disciplinary, technological and social change and of a deepening crisis in the financing of higher education.”

From the Report of the Committee on Academic Priorities