Amherst Magazine, Summer 2007


John Howe
The Quiet Diplomat
Around the world, millions each year die from diseases that are treatable and often preventable. What John Howe ’65 is doing to help.
By Molly Lyons ’97
Summer 2007 cover 270px

Tony Jack
This spring, 409 new grads left campus to find their way. A few days later, alumni young and old swept in. The details from Commencement and Reunion.
By Emily Gold Boutilier

Waiting to be Rememnbered
Waiting to be Remembered
Decades before she won the Pulitzer Prize for her second novel, Gilead, Marilynne Robinson taught creative writing at Amherst. The experience led her to a forgotten piece of American history—and to lessons that still hold weight today.
By Marilynne Robinson

The Search for the Perfect Spirit
The Search for the Perfect Spirit
For those weary of margaritas and worn-out on mojitos, Matti Anttila ’01 offers up a pricy Brazilian liquor. But can it dethrone tequila and rum? A bar hound reports.
By Anthony Dias Blue ’62

College Row
Out of debt—Center for Community Engage­ment—Best and worst faculty summers—New trustee—In memoriam: Mirjana Lausevic—When school’s out—Amherst’s mission—New Mead director—Power of light—Alumni who teach—Gooding Field to open—Work in progress—Verbatim.

From the Folger
The 12 sibyls.

My Life
William H. Pritchard ’53, the Henry Clay Folger Professor of English.

Finishing with style—What’s ahead.

Amherst Creates
A documentary from David Grabias ’91—Andrea Chapin ’82 on marriage and divorce—Stories by Nalini Jones ’93—Theodore Baird’s English 1—Short takes.

What They Are Reading
David Schneider, associate professor of music.


Profiles in Philanthropy