“Omg they put us on 4th floor South”

Reunion Weekend, as reported on Twitter.com

ursamajor [Lynne Baer ’00]: Omg they put us on 4th floor South. It’s just like being a frosh all over again.

ursamajor: Except for the part where South has AN ELEVATOR YOU GUYS

AndyWinchell [Andy Winchell ’90]: Packing clothes for trip to @AmherstCollege. 2 things are evident: abundance of purple & absence of yellow.

AndyWinchell: Arrived @AmherstCollege. Had a nice lunch at The Pub. About to hear a panel with @emptywheel [Marcy Wheeler ’90] and @amyspeace [Amy Speace ’90].

ursamajor [at same panel]: Small labels aiming for middle-class income, niche artists. Small artists keep more control; make money touring.

HarlanCoben [Harlan Coben ’84]: At our alma mater @amherstcollege today for wife’s reunion. All four kids here. Scott Turow [’70] too.

ursamajor: There is a bouncehouse in front of my dorm.

Benlin27 [Benjamin Lin ’12]: Not terribly convinced by some alumni panels—maybe that’s a sign of being an independent thinker? It’s empowering.

AndyWinchell: Panel of former CIA directors with William Webster [’45] and John Deutch [’60]. Webster: 500k people on CIA watch list

RoasterBoy [Karl A. Hakkarainen ’79]: Emotional session with #amherstreunion10 combat vets. To all of the vets who made it home, Thanks and welcome home.

natalielsoud [Natalie Soud ’06]: Wine tasting @Am­herstCollege reunion—Donelan Family Wines

AndyWinchell: Everyone should attend the reunion memorial service at the top of Memorial Hill at least once. Unforgettable.

AndyWinchell: Leaving the Pioneer Valley. Going to miss hearing Amherst pronounced without the H.