Forbes named Taylor Downs ’08, Karti Subramanian ’07, Eric Glustrom ’07 and Boris Bulayev ’07 to its latest “30 Under 30: Social Entrepreneurs” list.

Downs was working for an HIV-prevention organization when Subramanian—whom he barely knew at Amherst—reached out to express interest in joining him there. A year later, they launched Vera Solutions, which builds cloud and mobile apps to help social-service organizations collect, organize and learn from data.    

Glustrom was in high school when he started Educate! to teach leadership skills to children in Uganda. Since college, he’s co-led the nonprofit with Bulayev.

“The four of us are totally intertwined,” Subramanian says. “Eric and I shared a bunk bed freshman year. Boris, Eric and I have been close friends ever since. Eric and Taylor are both Echoing Green Fellows.” Their organizations are also connected: “Educate! was actually one of the first clients of Vera Solutions,” Glustrom says.