Robin B. Claremont

Robin B. Claremont

Senior Major Gift Officer

Bianca Couture

Bianca Couture

Leadership Gift Officer

Pontypool Room 108
Marguerite Durant

Marguerite Durant

Senior Prospect Research Analyst

Kate Godin

Kate Godin

Director of Advancement Writing

Malou G. Hafner

Malou G. Hafner

Director of Prospect Development

Rachael Herbert

Rachael Herbert

Assistant Director of Donor Relations

Catherine S. Lemelin

Catherine S. Lemelin

Associate Director of Donor Relations

Ryan Levine

Ryan Levine

Leadership Gift Officer

Kate Marantz

Kate Marantz

Director of Donor Relations

Dianne T. McLane

Dianne T. McLane

Development Assistant

David Perlmutter

David Perlmutter

Senior Director of Major and Planned Giving

Ashani G Petrizzi

Ashani G Petrizzi

Senior Major Gift Officer

Elaine B. Reilly

Elaine B. Reilly

Executive Assistant

Felipe Rico

Felipe Rico

Leadership Gift Officer

Pontypool Room 210
Kate Sandak

Kate Sandak

Senior Major Gift Officer - Director of Leadership Giving

Justin B. Solomon

Justin B. Solomon

Senior Philanthropic Advisor

James L. Tripaldi

James L. Tripaldi

Donor Relations Specialist

Juan E. Valdes

Juan E. Valdes

Leadership Gift Officer

Pontypool Room 210