Learning Circles, Learning Communities, and Communities of Practice

he Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL) invites you to lead or join a learning community. These learning communities (variously called a learning circle, learning community, or community of practice depending upon the facilitator) consist of 5-10 faculty, staff, and/or students, often across academic disciplines, who are committed to inquiring into, discussing, and practicing classroom strategies in a supportive community of peers. Typically, they will meet twice monthly during the semester for discussion that is based on theory and praxis. Each learning community has an explicit and specific goal for advancing growth and development to positively impact teaching and learning.

A logo with a lightbulb in the center

CTL staff, often in collaboration with partners across the College and beyond, stand ready to support the participants in a variety of ways, depending on the needs of a particular learning community.

If you have an idea for a learning community please reach out to us (ctl@amherst.edu).

2022 - 2023 Faculty Learning Communities

Alternative Grading Pedagogy Circles

Interdisciplinary Alternative Grading Pedagogy Circles were comprised of faculty from Amherst College who met for two hours monthly during the 2022 fall semester to discuss and provide feedback on their own and group members’ equity-minded alternative grading practices. Pedagogy circles allowed the participants to learn about types of grading they may not have used or experienced before in a collaborative, supportive environment.

More Information about this learning community. 

Hosted by the Center for Teaching and Learning and facilitated by CTL Faculty Fellow, Lecturer in English and Intensive Writing Center Director Kristina Reardon.