Regulatory Authority(s)

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP)

Regulations Applicable

  • Clean Water Act (CWA) – 33 U.S.C. 1251
  • EPA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - 40 CFR 122
  • Endangered Species Act (ESA) 16 U.S.C. 1531
  • Massachusetts Clean Waters Act – M.G.L. c. 21, sec 26-53
  • Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act – M.G.L. c. 131 sec 40
  • Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Regulations – 310 CMR 10.00
  • Massachusetts 401 Water Quality Certification – 314 CMR 9.00

Non-Compliance and Enforcement

  • Any issue of non-compliance, as it pertains to NPDES (40 CFR 122) is considered to be a violation under the CWA and is grounds for enforcement action, permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or modification; or denial of a permit renewal application. Any person, including but not limited to a company, individual, manufacturer etc., that violates the act, permit condition or limitation implementing any such sections of the act is subject to criminal penalties (first offense) for endangerment, negligence and other related violations that can range from not less than $2,500, nor more than $250,000 (for knowing endangerment) per day, and/or imprisonment for up to 15 years for same. Organizations could be subject to a fine of up to $1,000.000.00 for a first offense.
  • Civil Penalties (as of 2019) for violations of the CWA are $47,357.00 per day.


  • The overall responsibility for environmental compliance rests with the Board of Trustees and the President of the College.
  • For this plan, the following departments and positions within the College shall assume responsibilities applicable to them.
    • Chief of Campus Operations
    • Director of Design and Construction
    • Director of Facilities Operations
    • Director of Auxiliary Services
    • Environmental Health and Safety

Contact Information 

  • Emergency Number (413) 542-2111
    • Ambulance, Fire, Police and Hazardous Conditions
  • Police Department, non-emergency (413) 542-2291
  • Facilities Department (413) 542-2254
  • Environmental Health & Safety (413) 542-8189


  • In order to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for activities related to construction, demolition, new construction, as well as for general maintenance and operations, every facility that could discharge pollutants directly to a waterway either directly or indirectly must have a NPDES permit. Amherst College could, through normal work and construction activities discharge pollutants from point sources into the waterways of the United States. In order to file a Notice of Intent and obtain a NPDES permit, the College must have an effective Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in place.


  • The purpose of a SWPPP at Amherst College is to effectively manage the risk of environmental damage to waterways via stormwater by preventing accidental releases of hazardous materials, gray and black water, solid wastes and other potentially injurious materials to aquatic and plant life, and by controlling erosion on construction sites, during maintenance activities and in the process of ice and snow removal. Amherst College will utilize all appropriate best management practices (BMP’s) to preserve and protect the waterways around the campus by limiting discharge of pollutants at both general and point source discharge locations.
    • The prerequisite for an NOI and permit(s), Amherst College must have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).


  • The SWPPP requirements shall apply to the Amherst College community, which includes faculty, staff, students, visitors and outside contractors working for, or on Amherst College properties. In addition to the requirements identified here-in, other applicable policies and plans of the College, including but not limited to the Integrated Pest Management (IPM), the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC) and the Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan should be considered, because of the potential for run-off.

Amherst College
Construction Projects and NOI Numbers
January 2020 – 2025
(42°22'8.99" N -72°31'0.59" W)

Hills Football Field226 Northampton Road 42°22'07.3"N-72°31'38.1"W
Geothermal Well Project75 East Drive 42°22'06.9"N 72°30'42.9"W
Morse House197 South Pleasant 42°22'16.7"N 72°31'12.4"W
New Student Center - Building Demolition/New Construction 21 Merrill Science Drive 42°22'12.3"N 72°30'55.5"W

Amherst College – Description

  • Amherst College is a four-year liberal arts college located in the center of Amherst MA (Hampshire County). It is located at the intersection of routes 9 and 116. The college, which is part of the Five College Consortium has approximately 1,850 students, 180 buildings, including residential housing for faculty and more than 1,440 acres of land (~ 300 acres, including golf course in active use) within the boundaries of the town. Amherst College, like most of the center of the Town is on a plateau, approximately 312’ above sea level, surrounded by hills. Water discharge from almost anywhere on the College will most frequently flow downhill with the potential to enter storm water catch basins, brooks, rivers and other navigable water ways. 


Regulatory Requirements

  • CWA – 33 U.S.C. 1251 – Clean Water Act of 1972)
    • 40 CFR 122 - Stormwater Pollution Prevention Regulations, including the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
    • 40 CFR 131 - Water Quality Standards that require each state to designate appropriate uses for all of their bodies of water
  • MCWA – M.G.L. c 21, § 26 – 53 - Massachusetts Clean Water Act
  • MEPA – M.G.L. c 30, § 61 – 62H – Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act
    • 301 CMR 11.00 - Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Regulations
    • 310 CMR 10.00 – Wetlands Protection Act
    • 310 CMR 40.00Massachusetts Contingency Plan
    • 314 CMR 00 – 4.00 – Massachusetts Surface Waters
    • 314 CMR 00 – Massachusetts Ground Waters
    • 314 CMR 00 – Water Quality Certification
    • 321 CMR 10.00 – Massachusetts Endangered Species Act

Amherst College – Stormwater Specifics

Discharge from the College has the potential to enter both “tributaries” and “adjacent wetlands” either directly from point sources through pipes from storm drains, or indirectly from detention and retention ponds, swales or other conveyances.

  • Water Run-Off Coefficient from Amherst College – 40
  • Fort River links Connecticut River – behind Hadley Water Department, 230 Middle St., Hadley MA.
  • Endangered Species – Fort River area may include



  • BMP’s – Best Management Practices (BMP’s) as it pertains to stormwater management using the above referenced regulatory requirements, as well as the federal (EPA) and state (MADEP) Stormwater Management Handbook(s)
  • Department – Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
  • LSP – Licensed Site Professional responsible for the relocation of contaminated sites and soils
  • Navigable Waterways (modified January 2020) – these are now defined as Territorial Seas and Traditional Navigable Waterways (TNW’s) which include large lakes and rivers and tidally-influenced bodies of water used in interstate or foreign commerce.
  • NOI – Notice of Intent is not a NPDES permit. It is similar to a permit application, in that it is notification to the regulatory authority of a planned discharge for, such as for construction activities, which coverage under a specific National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System general permit is needed and contains information about the intended discharge.
  • NPDES - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
  • Point Source – is any discernible, confined and discrete conveyance, such as a pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, discrete fissure, or container. Point sources within the context of this plan lead to both tributaries and adjacent wetlands
  • Pollutant - includes any type of agricultural, commercial, industrial and municipal waste discharged into water. They include, but are not limited to; biological materials, chemical wastes, dirt, dredged soil, equipment parts and waste, food and beverage wastes, heated water, rock, sand, salt(s), solid waste and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste.
  • Priority Habitat (PH) – are protected areas of a wetland, upland or marine habitat delineated by polygons and identified by number in Massachusetts, as the location of rare species of amphibians, bees, birds, bugs, crustaceans, fish, mammals, mussels, plants, reptiles, snails, sponges, worms etc.
  • Runoff Coefficient – is the dimensionless value relating the amount of runoff to the amount of participation received. For areas with low infiltration and high runoff (pavement, steep gradient) the value is higher. For permeable, well vegetated areas (forest, flat land) the coefficient is lower.
  • SWPPP – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, which is a site-specific, written document signed by the designated person that;
    • identifies all of the activities and conditions at their site that could cause water pollution, and
    • details the steps the facility will take to prevent the discharge of any unpermitted pollution.
  • Tributaries – tributaries include perpetual and discontinuous brooks and streams that contribute surface flow to traditional navigable waters in a typical year. 

    • Tributaries from Amherst College would include;
      • Fearing Brook – from NW of 58 Seelye St., to 100 College St., then to PH 1362
      • Hop Brooks, and
      • Fort River
Map 1

Waters of the United States (WOTUS) – under the new requirements, dated January 2020, some previously required waters that were considered applicable under the Navigable Waterways will now be considered non-jurisdictional.

  • Visit the EPA’s WATERS GeoViewer 2.0 to see a detailed map of these areas.
  • Those that are jurisdictional under WOTUS are specifically identified as;
    • territorial seas and traditional navigable waters;
    • tributaries of such waters
    • certain lakes, ponds and impoundments and jurisdictional waters; and
    • wetlands adjacent to other jurisdictional waters (other than waters that are wetlands)
  • These are the twelve (12) combined categories of waters that are excluded from coverage;
    • brooks, gullies, streams and swales that are considered temporary, often without water.
    • groundwater that is not channeled directly into a tributaries or wetlands, such as;
      • croplands that were converted previously
        • exception – when cropland area is abandoned and returns to a “wetland”
      • groundwater that runs from subsurface drains into agricultural lands
      • farm and road side ditches
      • fields for agriculture that are artificially irrigated
      • groundwater recharge, water reuse, and wastewater recycling structures, including detention, infiltration, retention basins and ponds that are in upland or in non-jurisdictional waters
    • lakes, ponds and water-filled depressions including water storage reservoirs that were artificially created for farms and irrigation in upland or in non-jurisdictional waters
    • stormwater control features excavated or constructed in upland or in non-jurisdictional waters to convey, infiltrate, treat or store water run-off

Wetlands (Adjacent) – physically touch other jurisdictional waters and allow for a direct hydrological surface connection between wetlands and jurisdictional water in a typical year

  • Wetlands from Amherst College include;
    • PH 1362 – 155 College St., to Southeast St
    • PH 2064 – 100 East Dr., to Mill Lane and South Amherst College Dr., to Mill Lane
    • South Pleasant St., from SW of 233 South Pleasant St. to East of 100 Woodside Dr.
    • South Pleasant St., from West of 365 South Pleasant St., to Greenleaves Dr.
Map 2
Map 3

NOI – An NOI must be submitted to the federal EPA, before application for NPDES permits to both the EPA and MADEP can be completed.

  • The NOI must be submitted at > 14 days before construction activities begin
  • Filing for an NOI requires the preparer and/or new certifying official to register an account in EPA’s Central Data Exchange.
  • Click here to submit NOI
  • Once registered, they must contact the eNOI processing center to have the old information linked to our new account.
  • The NOI serves as the College’s notice to the permitting authority(s) that Amherst College intends for the discharge to be authorized under the terms and conditions of that general permit, and that all of the requirements of the NPDES permit and College’s SWPPP will be followed.

NPDES Permit

  • Under the CWA, the EPA authorizes the NPDES permit program to states to perform administrative, enforcement and permitting aspects of the NPDES requirements.
  • A NPDES permit is required if discharging from a point source into the waters of the United States.
  • NPDES permits are issued by the states that have obtained EPA approval.
    • Massachusetts is not an EPA approved state, so permits are issued by EPA, New England.
  • The permit should be obtained by persons that have “control over the construction plans, sites and specifications, and/or has day-day operational control of the site, including activities necessary to implement the SWPPP
  • The NPDES permit provides two levels of control to bodies of water
    • Technology-based limits
    • Water Quality- based limits
  • The NPDES permit is typically licensed to a facility to discharge a specified amount of a pollutant into a receiving water under conditions. The three (3) types of NPDES permits are;
    • Construction Activities
    • The NPDES permit is in effect from time of completion for up to five (5) years
      • NPDES permits can be renewed (reissued) at any time after the permit holder applies.
      • In addition, NPDES permits can be administratively extended if the College reapplies > 180 days before the permit expires.

SWPPP – In order to complete the above referenced documents, the College or other requesting facility / operator must have a SWPPP, and Stormwater Management Plan. The Plan shall follow BMP’s for both construction activities and ongoing operations and maintenance, as identified here-in.

Stormwater Management Standards

  • In addition to the requirements of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under 40 CFR, Part 122, the Massachusetts Stormwater Management Standards have been incorporated into the Commonwealth’s Wetland Protection Act Regulations, 310 CMR 10.05 and the Water Quality Certification Regulations, 314 CMR 9.06.
    • In order to properly manage Stormwater run-off and lessen the burden to brooks, lakes, ponds and rivers, Amherst College will follow best management practices during construction and maintenance activities, which will include the proper selection and use of materials that might be discharged to wetlands and bodies of water that might adversely affect fish, plant and other wildlife.
      • One of the most significant sources of Stormwater run-off is from rain and snowmelt from impervious surfaces. When not managed properly, these run-offs could alter drainage, increase peak discharge rates and volumes, reduce recharge to wetlands and streams, and increase discharge of pollutants to areas where this could be detrimental.
    • The following stormwater strategies are designed to include consideration of environmentally sensitive site designs, Low Impact Development (LID) techniques to minimize impervious surface and land disturbance, source controls and pollution prevention, structural BMP’s, construction site erosion and sediment control, and long term operation and maintenance of stormwater management systems.
  • Stormwater Standards now indicate that Stormwater Systems shall…
    1. not discharge untreated stormwater directly to or cause erosion in wetlands or waters of the Commonwealth
    2. shall be designed so that the post-development peak discharge rates do not exceed pre-development peak discharge rates.
    3. eliminate or minimize loss of annual recharge to groundwater through the use of infiltration system measures including;
      1. environmentally sensitive site design                            
      2. low impact development techniques
      3. stormwater best management practices
      4. proper maintenance and operations plans and practices
    4. be designed to remove 80% of the average annual post construction load of Total Suspended Solids (TSS), which is the dry-weight of suspended particles, which are not dissolved in the water. In order to accomplish the above, BMP such as these are utilized;
      1. identify and maintain source control and pollution prevention activities
      2. size to capture the determined volume of run-off
      3. follow pretreatment guidelines identified in the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook perimeter controls(handbook)
    5. when required for land with higher potential pollutant loads use source control and pollution prevention in accordance with the handbook to eliminate or reduce the discharge of stormwater runoff to the extent practical.
  • use of specific source control and pollution prevention measures and the specific structural stormwater BMP’s determined by the MADEP to be suitable for managing discharges to such areas, as indicated in the handbook.
  • a discharge is near a critical area, if there is a strong likelihood of a significant impact occurring to an area designated as protected, or a priority habitat for species and wildlife.
  • Stormwater discharges to Outstanding and Special Resource Waters shall be removed and set back from receiving water/wetland and receive best practical method of treatment
    1. if within a Zone II or Interim Wellhead Protection Area of a public water supply, and storm discharges near or to any other critical area, such as to the east and south of the College require the use of a specific source control and pollution prevention measures, and the BMP determined by the Department for managing discharges to those areas, as indicated in the handbook.
    2. not applicable, as Amherst College is not part of a redevelopment project
    3. have a plan to control construction related impacts including erosion, sedimentation and other pollutant sources during construction, and that land disturbance activities (construction period erosion, sedimentation, and pollution prevention plan) shall be developed and implemented
    4. insure that long-term operations and maintenance plans shall be developed and implemented to ensure that stormwater management systems function as designed, and
    5. take all appropriate actions to prevent improper discharges to the stormwater system(s) through education, and maintenance and operations protocols
  • Objectives – SWPPP 
    • Housekeeping practices to prevent contamination
    • Permit requirements, including acquisition, inspection, maintaining and monitoring BMP’s
    • Pollution prevention and control measures
    • Receiving waters protection
    • Site perimeter controls
    • Site stabilization for both construction, maintenance and operations activities
    • Soil and storage controls
    • Water channeling, diversion and sloping to properly direct stormwater run-off and to prevent damage to facilities and sites identified in the handbook
    • Water infiltration promotion
  • Erosion and Sediment Controls
    • Erosion Controls
      • Construction activity control(s)
      • Minimize disturbance and protect natural features and soil
      • Operations and maintenance requirements
      • Soil stability
      • Slope protection
      • Stormwater flow controls, such as berms and diversions
    • Sediment Controls
      • Construction site entrance and exit stabilization
      • Dewatering control practices
      • Inspection and maintenance controls
      • Perimeter controls
      • Sediment (on-site) retention
      • Storm drain inlet protection
    • Soil Relocation and Removal from Amherst College
      • The Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310 CMR 40.00 establishes conditions and requirements for management of excavated soils. In order to manage the relocation protocols an LSP is required to test and determine the required relocation or disposal options for soils.
      • Testing of soils and the determination of relocation or disposal is the responsibility of Environmental Health & Safety at Amherst College.
        • Any soils relocated to another site, even on campus, which not been previously evaluated for compatibility or contamination levels shall be brought back to the original location of those soil(s) at the expense of the contractor.
  • Operations & Maintenance Requirements
    • Amherst College has developed and implemented and operations and maintenance stormwater plan using BMP’s as identified in the EPA and MADEP stormwater management handbooks for source control and pollution prevention. These measures shall include the following;
      • Grounds Maintenance
        • ice and snow management practices
        • maintenance of lawns, gardens, and other landscaped areas
        • storage and use of fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides
        • pet waste management
      • Housekeeping Practices;
        • Each of the required plans, policies and programs for the following are located on the Environmental Health & Safety Webpage
          • Fueling and Maintenance Areas for Equipment and Vehicles
          • Hazardous Materials and Wastes Storage Protocols
          • Integrated Pest Management Plans / Programs
          • Materials Staging Areas
          • SPCC Plans and Programs
          • Stormwater Management Plans
          • Washing Areas for Containers, Equipment and Vehicles
          • Waste Management
  • Material and Waste Storage
    • When possible, inside and under cover
      • Examples include; containment and stabilization of salt and sand piles to prevent run-off to wetlands and other bodies of water
    • Spill Prevention and Response
      • Emergency and routine responses to all spills, following the protocols and procedures of the College, including emergency response and our Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) programs
    • Stormwater System Inspections
      • routine inspections and maintenance of stormwater BMPs
    • Vehicle Washing;
      • to sanitary sewer, never to storm drain or ground, unless water only
    • The Amherst College Operations and Maintenance Plan identifies the person(s) responsible by title, for the implementation, inspections, maintenance and modifications to the plan for both construction and routine operations.
    • Design and Construction Projects
      • Director of Design & Construction 
    • Maintenance and Operations
      • Grounds and Landscape Supervisor
      • Director of Auxiliary Services / Facilities
      • Mechanical Shop Supervisor
    • Stormwater Program and Inspections
      • Director of Environmental Health & Safety
  • Amherst College shall;
    • continuously, as part of the O&M plan, inspect the site(s) and appropriate facilities of the Stormwater Management Plan to ensure that;
      • areas are monitored for erosion and stabilization, and that corrective actions are implemented when necessary
      • all aspects of the Amherst College Stormwater Management Plans are inspected for damage, malfunction, run-off and wear, and that appropriate steps have been taken to repair or replace the system or portions of.
      • no improper discharges to the stormwater system(s) are being done, and that if a problem or improper procedure are discovered, steps are taken to correct the condition(s), and that the issue is logged and reported when necessary.
        • Improper discharge does not include the following activities;
          • air conditioning condensation
          • building wash water – without cleaners, detergents or soaps
          • firefighting activities
          • foundation drains  
          • groundwater discharge - uncontaminated
          • habitat and wetland flows
          • landscape irrigation
          • potable water discharge
          • street washing water
          • swimming pool water - dechlorinated
          • water line flushing
  • Maintain an Operations and Maintenance Log for a period of at least three (3) years, which includes;
    • inspections
      • Inspection forms and associated documents are found in the appendix of this plan
    • repairs
    • replacement, and
    • disposal, which includes the type of material and the receiving site
  • log must be made available, upon request to;
    • Amherst Conservation Commission
    • EPA
    • MADEP
      • person(s) from the above agencies can enter and inspect the sites to ensure that the responsible parties are complying with the construction and O&M plans identified here-in.
    • Discharges prohibited include, but are not limited to; 

      drain 22
      Pump around Weiland and King
      • Hazardous materials and waste from spills or other releases
      • Vehicle wastewater
        • antifreeze, detergents/soaps, fuels, oils, etc.
      • Wastewater from;
        • building exteriors, other than water
          • acid and detergent washes must be captured and properly disposed of.
        • curing compounds, garbage containers, oils, paints and construction materials
        • washouts, including concrete trucks
      • Exceptions; in the event of a natural disaster or other public emergency that warrants immediate response to protect human health, public safety, the environment, or to re-establish essential public services, the College would be able to discharge, following BMP’s as identified in the handbook

General Inspection, Maintenance and Operations Plans

Amherst College is responsible for the general inspection, maintenance and operations of our SWPPP, including construction projects that have been completed and turned over to the College.

  • The routine inspection and maintenance of the Amherst College SWPPP is the responsibility of the following departments;
    • Landscaping and Grounds
    • Mechanical Shop, and
    • Environmental Health & Safety
  • The maintenance activities for all stormwater controls are performed in accordance with the requirements of the local, state and federal regulations, which include the Town of Amherst Conservation Commission and the Department of Public Works, as well as the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MASSDEP), and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
    • Inspections of our parking lots, roads, streets and other paved surfaces are performed daily by the Landscape and Grounds Department, as well as the Amherst College Police Department. Any identified problems are reported to the appropriate department(s) for corrective action. Corrective actions include, but are not limited to removal of catch basin debris, catch basin cleanout and street sweeping.
      • Inspections of the stormwater control systems on campus are SWPPP specific.
        • Catch basins are inspected at least twice annually
        • Detention and retention areas are inspected daily
        • Parking lots, roads, streets and other paved surfaces are inspected daily
        • Storm related inspections are performed during and immediately after the weather emergency.
      • Any deficiencies noted with regard to the above control measures are reported and corrected immediately. Catch basins, detention and retention ponds will be cleaned, mowed or otherwise maintained in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.
      • Mosquito controls are used where stagnant water sources are located. Larvacide is used according to manufacturer’s specifications and the Amherst College Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM).
      • Site, parking lot and street sweeping shall occur when necessary, as directed by the department managers and supervisors. At a minimum, street cleaning must occur at least twice annually, spring and fall. The removed debris shall be collected and then discarded in a manner acceptable to the MADEP. Dirt, salt, sand and other collected materials shall not be placed within 50' of a potential stormwater run-off area.
      • Amherst College stormwater protection systems that remain in place to prevent contaminated run-off, such as catch basins, detention and retention ponds, swales and other collection areas must be inspected at least four (4) times annually.
        • Supervisors from the Grounds and Mechanical Shops, as well as the Office of Environmental Health & Safety should initiate when necessary the cleaning of the above protection systems. Catch basins must be cleaned at least twice (2) times annually, unless a more frequent cleaning is required.
  • Leaks, Spills and Releases
    • Any discharge, leak, release or spill of hazardous material, including hazardous waste on a construction site must be immediately reported to Environmental Health and Safety, through the Amherst College Dispatch Center at (413) 542-2111.
      • Releases shall include minor leaks from equipment and vehicles
    • Environmental Health & Safety shall be responsible for cleanup, disposal and reporting requirements to local and state response and regulatory agencies, including MADEP
  • Ice and Snow Treatments
    • Amherst College Facilities shall control the amount of materials, including but not limited to ice melt, salt, sand and discharges from vehicles that enter or have the potential to enter our point sources that border on tributaries and wetlands around Amherst College.
      • At driveways, parking lots and roads where there is a strong possibility of Storm Water run-off into a brook, river or conservation area, the Facilities Grounds and Landscaping Department shall minimize the amount of chemicals and other surface treatments that could potentially harm the environment. The parking lot to the east of the Service building, as well as Merrill Science Dr. is of particular interest. Storm water run-off from these points into the "sensitive areas" is a very real possibility, so…
  • salt, sand and other ice and snow control applications must be kept to an absolute minimum.
  • previously applied salt, sand and ice melt applications shall be monitored and cleaned up as needed (even during the winter months) to minimize the negative environmental impact that will occur if the material is left in place for an extended time.
  • the installation of granite or macadam curbs at locations such as these will help to reduce unwanted stormwater run-off. Sand, salt and other applications to control ice and snow will be held in check until the above referenced treatments have been removed.
  • Chemical and Pesticide Applications 
    • The Facilities Grounds and Athletics Department shall avoid using fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and pesticides in and around areas that lead to a storm drain, brook, river or other potential ground water source.
    • Application of fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and pesticides shall be done only when absolutely necessary, and following the requirements of The Amherst College IPM programs.
      • Only Amherst College Facilities employees who are licensed to apply pesticides and other similar materials will be permitted to do so.
    • All chemicals, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and pesticides shall be purchased, stored, mixed, transported and used in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. If chemicals and pesticides are mixed or otherwise handled outside, the licensed applicator shall insure that they are not located in close proximity to a waterway or storm drain that could inadvertently receive the accidentally discharged materials. Chemicals and pesticides that must be used in and around the conservation area, near a waterway or storm drain shall be mixed, stored, transported and used in accordance with guidelines already established by manufacturer’s specifications for that intended purpose.
    • If an accidental or intentional release of a chemical, fungicide, herbicide, insecticide or pesticide takes place on or around the Amherst College, the employee that witnesses the occurrence or release must take the following steps:
      • Minimize risk to yourself and others.
      • Do not cause or create a personal illness or injury
      • Instruct persons nearby to evacuate the immediate area and keep others out.
      • Contact the Amherst College Police by phone (542-2111) or radio and report:
        • Your location
        • If anyone is ill or injured
        • Name of the chemical or pesticide, if known
          • How much was discharged
          • If there is an immediate health or environmental risk present
          • Storm drain, sewer, waterway or conservation area close by
          • What (if anything) you are able to do to minimize the environmental damage.
        • The Amherst College Campus Police shall notify;
          • The Amherst College Environmental Health and Safety Director, or
          • Amherst College Licensed Pesticide Applicator
  • Construction Projects and Sites
    • Amherst College has developed and implanted an ongoing, construction-specific stormwater plan using federal and state regulatory requirements and BMP’s. The plan is intended to control construction-related impacts, including erosion, sedimentation, and other pollutant sources during construction and land disturbance activities (construction period erosion, sedimentation, and pollution prevention plan) shall be developed and implemented.
      • During land disturbance and construction activities, the College will implement controls to prevent erosion, control sediment movement, and stabilize exposed soils to prevent pollutants from moving offsite or entering wetlands or waters.
        • Land disturbance activities include demolition, construction, clearing, excavation, grading, filling, and reconstruction.
      • For projects subject to Wetlands jurisdiction, construction-related activities will identify ways to control erosion, sedimentation, and have a stormwater management plan that identifies the person(s) responsible for implementing, inspecting and maintaining the plan as required.
        • The plan shall be approved by the Conservation Commission, until the site is fully stabilized and the temporary erosion and sedimentation controls are removed.
      • Projects that disturb one acre of land or more are required to;
        • have NPDES Construction General Permit issued by EPA, and
        • have the required a Stormwater Pollution Plan (SWPPP)
          • for ease of consistency and to avoid duplication, the College has prepared this all-inclusive document that satisfies the SWPPP requirements of the Construction General Permit
        • For all projects that require coverage under the Construction General Permit, the issuing authority shall require submission of the SWPPP before land disturbance commences.
        • For construction projects, including demolition activities that require the use of an architect, engineer or similar, the plans for the project shall include designs of, and approval stormwater management
          • The construction period erosion, sedimentation and pollution prevention plan must identify all stormwater management activities that are needed during land disturbance and construction, including source control and pollution prevention measures, BMPs to address erosion and sedimentation, stabilization measures, and procedures for operating and maintaining the BMPs, including response to wet weather events and frost.
            • The plan shall include a schedule for sequencing construction and stormwater management activities that minimizes land disturbance by ensuring that vegetation is preserved to the extent practicable, and disturbed portions of the site are stabilized as soon as possible.
            • BMPs used during construction are designed to control higher concentrations of sediment typical of construction activities and run-off
            • Construction activity BMPs are designed with sediment traps sized to provide adequate capacity and retention time to allow for proper settling of fine-grained soils. Construction period BMPs must be properly operated and maintained.
    • Erosion Control Requirements
      1. Contractors working on Amherst College property shall be familiar with the College SWPPP and shall utilize appropriate techniques identified here-in, or by the site engineer to control runoff as referenced in the Amherst College Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The SWPPP outlines best management practices for control of stormwater runoff, erosion control, stockpile management and inspection reports.
    • Stormwater Manager – Construction
      1. During construction activities, it is the responsibility of the General Contractor to identify a Stormwater Manager.
        • Stormwater Managers must be competent, having knowledge of stormwater pollution prevention guidelines, erosion and sediments controls, hay bales and silt fences, and the inspection requirements for construction site activities. When a SWPPP deficiency is identified, it shall be corrected immediately.
        • The site Stormwater Manager is responsible for;
          • Daily Inspections of the construction activities that would be directly related to run-off from the project, including the maintenance of the trap rock entry/exit areas for vehicles, erosion control, stockpiles, as well as the maintenance of catch basins and detention ponds on the site.
            • Problems identified, such as dirt, mud, salt and sand leaving the site by catch basin or street must be immediately corrected.
          • Weekly Inspections of the entire site, using either the Amherst College inspection checklist, or a similar "approved" inspection report acceptable to the owner and the Town of Amherst.
            • Inspection reports must be maintained on site, available for review by the owner and regulatory agencies, including the Town of Amherst and MASSDEP.
          • Significant Weather Event Inspections are formal inspections of the construction site that must be performed after significant rain, wind or other damaging event that would adversely affect the stormwater control measures for the site.
        • When necessary, the Stormwater Manager, through the General Contractor shall perform required corrective actions, which include, but are not limited to;
          • Catch basin cleaning
          • Street sweeping
          • Construction site housekeeping improvements
        • Any discharge, leak, release or spill of hazardous material, including hazardous waste on a construction site must be immediately reported to Environmental Health and Safety, through the Amherst College Dispatch Center at (413) 542-2111.
          • Releases shall include minor leaks from equipment and vehicles
        • Environmental Health & Safety shall be responsible for cleanup, disposal and reporting requirements to local and state response and regulatory agencies, including MADEP. 
    • Erosion Control for Construction
      1. Minimize Areas of Disturbance and Protect Natural Features and Soil
        • Delineate and control the areas that will be disturbed by construction and grading activities. Limit to those areas necessary for the project
        • Preserve, to the extent possible the natural vegetation, including trees which is the best and least expensive erosion control
        • Protect and preserve topsoil, as it preserves the natural structure of the soils and aids the infiltration of stormwater
      2. Phase Construction Activity
        • When possible to minimize the duration of exposed soil, schedule or sequence your work, and concentrate in specific areas to minimize the amount of exposed soil.
      3. Stormwater Control Flow
        • Plan for any potential stormwater flow, and make the necessary modifications to divert flow, prevent erosion, and limit damage to the construction project and site.
          • Incorporate the use of berms and diversion ditches
        • When necessary, if stormwater concerns dictate, have an emergency response team ready to effectively deal with the potential of damage and erosion.
      4. Soil Stabilization
        • Stabilize soils to minimize erosion, most importantly when construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased. Stabilization might include any or a combination of the following;
          • Blankets or Mats
          • Channel stabilization
          • Mulch
          • Planting
          • Seeding (temporary)
          • Sodding (permanent)
          • Vegetative buffers / strips
      5. Slope Protection
        • Consider the use of;
          • berms and diversion channels
          • erosion control blankets
          • fiber matrices (bonded)
          • turf reinforcement mats
          • silt fence or fiber rolls on moderate slopes
            • should be installed on level contours spaced at 10 – 20’ intervals
      6. Storm Drain Protection
        • Should be used for storm drains both inside and outside the construction area if there is a possibility that storm water could impact one or both of these receptors. These filters include;
          • block and gravel
          • inlet filters
          • rock and sand filled bags
          • silt fences
      7. Perimeter Controls
        • Are designed to maintain natural areas and supplement them with silt fence and fiber rolls around the perimeter of the site to prevent sediment and soil from leaving the site.
          • These controls should be installed on the downslope perimeter of the site. They are not required around the entire site.
          • These are designed to protect streams, waterways and wetlands
          • They are only effective in small areas and should not be used to contain a flow of stormwater, or other substantial water flow.
          • Installation techniques;
            • leave space for maintenance between toe of slope and silt fence roll
            • trench the silt fence on the uphill side 6” deep and 6” wide
            • install stakes on the downhill side of the fence or roll
            • curve end of silt fence or fiber roll up-gradient to help contain run-off
          • Maintenance
            • remove sediment when it reaches 1/3 the height of the fence
            • replace the silt fence or roll where it is worn, torn or otherwise damaged
            • retrench or replace any silt fence or roll that is not properly anchored to the ground
        • Sediment Retention and Dewatering Control (on-site)
          • For smaller construction sites, the use of sediment barriers is permissible.
          • For larger construction sites, the use of temporary sediment basins and traps should be considered.
          • Sediment retention is designed to detain sediment-laden run-off for the period of time necessary to allow sediment to settle, without negatively impacting the protected areas.
          • Dewatering practices are used to remove groundwater or accumulated rain water from excavated areas.
            • Water can be pumped from these areas to a temporary or permanent sedimentation basin or area completely enclosed by a silt fence in a flat vegetated area where discharges can infiltrate the ground.
            • If this practice is not possible, because water exceeds the capacity of the silt fencing or site, contact the office of Environmental Health & Safety for other appropriate water disposal options.
      8. Never discharge dirty/muddy water into storm drains, tributaries or wetlands, unless the sediment has been removed.
      9. Exit Sites on Construction Sites
        • Since vehicles have the ability to track sediment off the construction site onto streets from which stormwater will flow, entrances and/or exit areas for vehicles should protected in a way that prevents debris, sediment, sand etc., from leaving the site.
          • Construction exits (> 50’, depending on the size of project) should have large crushed rock to remove some sediment from the tires, and when necessary, when required by the College, have a washing station (on the rock exit) to further reduce the potential for sediment leaving the site.
          • Cement / Concrete trucks are not permitted to wash concrete from vehicle or chute to ground, except into appropriate areas designed specifically for that purpose.
map 4

    10. Inspection and Maintenance Controls

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