Massachusetts General Law, Section 304

In accordance with the requirements of the Massachusetts Building Code and Fire Prevention Regulations, Amherst College has established the following minimum protocols to be followed when bands, disc jockeys or other means to providing music are used for events that can or will exceed 50 people, inclusive of staff.

These procedures are to be utilized, regardless of whether or not alcohol is on site or in close proximity to the event.

  •  It is the responsibility of the office of Environmental Health and Safety to inspect and repair if necessary any deficiency involving emergency equipment, including emergency lighting and exit signage, fire detection and suppression systems and means of egress, prior to the event.
  • Under the direction of the Amherst College Campus Police Department, “Party Monitors” will be utilized for event security. At the discretion of the Police Chief or Designee, events may be required to have Party Monitors, who will be supervised by a Lead Party Monitor.
  • The Lead Party Monitor is required to remain on site for the duration of the event. If they must leave for reasons of emergency, it is their responsibility to first identify a suitable replacement, who shall be familiar with all of their responsibilities, in case of emergency.
  • Lead Party Monitors must have radio communication with the Amherst College Campus Police at all times, and shall carry a flashlight in cases of emergency.
  • All Party Monitors must be identifiable and uniform, wearing tee-shirts of a certain color with proper identification for ease of recognition.
  • Lead Party Monitors are responsible (before and during the event) for;
    • Keeping all EXITs free of obstruction. No curtains, equipment or other obstructions shall be placed in front of any designated EXIT door, or over any EXIT sign or Emergency Light.
    • Removing any and all trip and fall hazards from the means of egress, leading to any and all EXIT doors.
    • Reporting any fire, health or safety issue to the Amherst College Police Department as soon as possible. All combustible material, including paper, cardboard and trash must be kept to an absolute minimum to lower the risk of fire ignition and spread.
    • Notifying the band, disc jockey or alternate provider of music about their responsibilities during a fire alarm, before the start of the event.
      • During a Fire Alarm, the strobes in the area / room will “Flash”, at that time all music must be shut down. Failure to comply may result in monetary fine.
    • The Lead Party Monitor shall identify another Party Monitor; prior to the start of the event that it is his/her responsibility to make sure the music is discontinued.
    • The Lead Party Monitor must then bring all lighting in the area or room up to full illumination, using breakers and or switches as identified prior to the event.
    • The Lead Party Monitor shall notify the Amherst Campus Police Department of the Fire Alarm, and assist with the evacuation of all persons out and away from the front of the building, to allow unrestricted access for the fire department.