The college’s commitments to sponsored research are affirmed in the Strategic Plan adopted by the Board of Trustees in 2015. These commitments include supporting an excellent research program, providing more opportunities for undergraduate research, and advancing participation of under-represented (UR) and low-income students in STEM fields.

In addition to assistance provided by the Office of Sponsored Research and Foundation Relations in your efforts to seek and manage external funding for your research program or curricular project, Amherst College's Offices of the Provost and the Controller provide additional support as outlined below.


Leave Policy, Fellowships and Professional Support

The college's sabbatic leave program is designed to provide time for research, study, writing, or other creative work contributing to the professional growth and effectiveness of the faculty member as a scholar and teacher. The college recognizes that the continued scholarly growth of our faculty plays a vital part in the educational offerings of the college and the ultimate success of its students. Please follow the link below to read about: Sabbatic Leaves and Leaves of Absence, Fringe Benefits during Sabbatic Leave and Leaves of Absence without Pay, Tenure-Track Fellowships, and Institutional Support for Faculty Research.

Faculty Handbook: Leaves, Fellowships, and Research


Topping Up Policy

Amherst encourages faculty members to apply for outside fellowships and grants that will support and recognize their scholarly and creative work. To offset some of the financial burden that may result from accepting a fellowship at a level below a faculty member’s regular salary, most often when a leave of absence is required, the college provides supplemental salary support. Tenure-line faculty members who take a leave of absence to conduct scholarly or creative work under the auspices of an external grant or fellowship are eligible to receive up to one-half of their salary for the period of their leave, up to one year, to bring the fellowship or grant stipend to the faculty member’s full salary for that time frame. The college’s policy of longstanding regarding benefits remains applicable. If a tenure-line faculty member receives a fellowship (or other employment) that includes benefits, the college will cover any uncovered benefits costs, beyond the funds provided by the fellowship or grant, provided that the faculty member contributes the share of benefit costs normally met by a faculty member. The provost will review all Topping Up proposals.


Travel Policy and Resources

The College offers a series of benefits and protections for College-sponsored travel, which includes any trip that is funded, arranged, and/or credited by the college. Please visit the links below for more information. Please note that all faculty or administrative staff who are taking students off campus on field trips, are also required to protocols and procedures outlined at the Field Trips link below.

Travel Policy and Resources

Travel Resources

Field Trips: A Guide for Faculty


Post Award Financial Grant Management

Amherst College’s Senior Research Administrator, housed in the Controller’s office, works with funded Principal Investigators and Project Directors to facilitate the review and acceptance of award terms and to set up awards in Workday. The Senior Research Administrator provides financial training and reviews relevant policy with grant recipients at the time of the award (i.e. procurement policy, allowable costs, effort reporting, etc). Throughout the life of a grant, she reviews and approves budget changes and time extensions, obtaining sponsor approval as needed (often partnering with the OSRFR, who takes the lead for this on many private awards); generates all interim and final financial reports; and conducts award closeout. Additionally, the Senior Research Administrator manages application, assurances, and certification forms with federal funders. 


Internal Funding

The Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty administers institutional grant and fellowship programs for to support for the Faculty's research, scholarship, creative work, and teaching. Many faculty members and college administrators will combine external and internal support over the life of a project. Details on internal funding and support can be found at the link below.

Amherst College Funding & Grants and Allowances


Additional Technical Support for Faculty in Laboratory Science

The college provides one lab technician for every two tenure-track faculty members in the laboratory sciences. There are several ways to use these funds. Two faculty members may jointly hire a single individual and split the time, or each faculty member may hire a laboratory technician for twenty hours per week. There is also the possibility of supplementing the technician salary via internal or external funds. This funding is available for laboratory assistant costs only and is not fungible. Eligibility for this support will be extended to include the first year after a faculty member is tenured, normally a sabbatical year. Please contact Anthony Bishop, associate provost and associate dean of the faculty, with questions.