J-1 Exchange Visitor Info Form

This form is used to collect the information necessary to support J-1 Exchange Visitors as they join the Amherst community.  This form should only be filled out by:

  • individuals hired as Language Assistants by the French, Spanish, German, and Russian Departments
  • students attending Amherst College as part of an exchange program

Your DS-2019 cannot be issued until all mandatory fields in this form are completed and you have submitted the form. Be certain that the information provided here is identical to the information contained in the passport that you will be using to travel to the United States.

Please select the category that applies to you.
Personal Information
(Identify all countries through which you hold citizenship; if you hold multiple citizenships, separate the countries by commas. For example: United Kingdom, Republic of Ghana)
(If you are a citizen of more than one country, specify which country's passport you will use for travel to the United States as a student)
Permanent Residential Home Country Address
Please enter your address in the manner typically used in your home country. 
Information of Parents, or Close Relative--Preferred Contact
Information of Parents, or Close Relative--Secondary Contact
Please upload a photo/copy of your passport biographical page. (The 'bio page' in your passport is the primary page of your passport. It typically provides key information such as your full name, date of birth, and citizenship information.)
Files must be less than 750 MB.
Allowed types: jpg jpeg gif prc png txt doc docx xls xlsx pdf ppt pptx pps ppsx odt ods odp mp3 mov mp4 m4a m4v mpeg avi ogg oga ogv weba webp webm ab1 abi aif aiff app csv dcr dmg epub flv gz html jar jp2 key kml kmz mobi mpg mxd mxp nb nbp pdb pmf prs psd rmd rtf seq sit swf tar tex wav webarchive wma wmv wpd wpf xml zip apk srt.

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