Jump to:  Prepare for Your Meeting ♦  Video Conferencing Equipment Monitor Cart   ♦  Bose Videobar ♦  Zoom Settings & Options 

Seeley Mudd 002 now has enhanced technology to support “hybrid” meetings, where some participants are in-person and some are remote. Meeting hosts can bring a laptop computer to 002, where they can connect to a large-screen TV and wide-angle camera/microphone. Hosts will then run a Zoom meeting where remote and in-person participants can all see and hear each other.

Note that the 002 room capacity is 10 people max.

Prepare for Your Meeting

You are welcome to schedule a walk-through/practice session with IT before your first meeting. We may not be available during your meeting to provide assistance, so best to test things in advance.

The meeting host will need to:

  • Bring a Mac or PC laptop, plus adapters to connect HDMI and USB, if needed
  • Schedule a Zoom meeting and share link with remote participants
  • Install Zoom on your laptop (or update it, if needed)

Video Conferencing Equipment

Note that these items are totally separate and unconnected from the room Mac, projector, and conference phone.

tv cart
Monitor Cart

  • This is how you will view remote participants.
  • Remote participants will simply join your Zoom meeting and see the meeting room on their screen.
  • Feel free to reposition cart as needed.
Using the monitor
  • Turn on TV with LG remote and connect HDMI cable from TV cart to your laptop.
  • If you see a message asking “Do you want to switch to this device” select “No" with the TV remote (HDMI 1 is the correct input).
  • You will use the TV remote to adjust the volume.
  • Mac Users: Adjust Screen Resolution on Laptop (if needed)
    • If the text on your Mac screen becomes too small after connecting the TV, go into System Preferences > Displays > Scaled and select a larger text size.

Bose Videobar

  • Image
    bost videobar
    Located on same cart as TV
  • Captures both video and audio
  • Provides a single wide-angle view of the room
  • To use:
    • Connect USB cable from TV cart to your laptop
    • Note that this USB cable has an adapter for USB-2 (big) but can also connect with USB-C (small)

Zoom: Settings & Options

Select Camera, Microphone & Speaker
  • Within Zoom, click the ^ menu next to the Mute on/off or Video on/off in Zoom to select your audio and video options.
  • Select the Bose as both the camera and microphone.
  • Select LG TV as the speaker.

Example options when using Bose VideoBar:


zoom mic and camera settings

Test Your Sound
  • Click the ^ menu next to the Mute on/off button and select Test Speaker & Microphone.
  • This will walk you through testing the speaker, volume, and microphone.
  • Use the TV remote to adjust the volume if needed.
More Zoom Options
  • Switching the in-room Zoom to “Gallery view” will let you see all remote participants on equal footing.
  • Zoom has a live transcription feature that can be a useful enhancement for all users. To turn it on, click the Live Transcript button from the Zoom control bar and select Enable Auto-Transcription.

For assistance please contact askIT@amherst.edu.  Updated Fall 2021