Employee Travel, Meals and Entertainment Reimbursement Policy

The College will reimburse employees for necessary and reasonable travel, entertainment and non-travel business expenses (such as business lunches) incurred while conducting authorized College business. Note that all employees are expected to spend College and grant funds prudently. The policy is supported by Internal Revenue Service regulations, which provide guidance to ordinary and necessary business expenses.

The complete Amherst College Employee Travel, Meals and Entertainment Reimbursement Policy can be found here: https://www.amherst.edu/system/files/media/Travel_Policy.pdf.

It is the responsibility of the traveler to have knowledge of the grantor’s regulations concerning acceptable costs, whether the grantor is private or a government source. Faculty may wish to contact the Dean of Faculty about travel related to research.

Note that travel and other expenses funded by federal grants or counted as cost sharing on federal grants must also comply with regulations outlined in funding agency guidelines and in OMB Uniform Guidance (primarily Subpart E – Cost Principles).  The Uniform Guidance can be reviewed at the link below: https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=6214841a79953f26c5c230d72d6b70a1&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title02/2cfr200_main_02.tpl.

It is the responsibility of the employee incurring the expense and of the approving party to be familiar with the need for the business expenses incurred and to be satisfied that they have been reported in a manner consistent with this policy. Failure to follow this policy and/or incurring costs outside of the policy may result in the expense not being reimbursed. Additionally, intentional spending of College funds in an inappropriate nature may lead to further disciplinary consequences as outlined in the College employee handbooks.

The College Controller’s Office reviews all reimbursement requests and documentation and makes every effort to ensure compliance with this policy, as well as IRS regulations. Please be advised that the Controller’s Office may make inquiries on reimbursements to ensure compliance.