Dear Mammoths,  

A group of students with welcome signs below purple and white arches

My name is Angie Tissi-Gassoway, and I am your Dean of Students and Chief Student Affairs Officer. I am thrilled to welcome you to the Amherst College community!

This email is the beginning of our journey together. You will hear from me and members of our team in Student Affairs regularly over the summer. It’s very likely that as you learn the answer to one question, many more may arise—please know that we are here to help! Our goal is to make sure your questions are answered and to connect you with the many wonderful programs, resources, and people here at Amherst.

To get started as an Amherst College student and to access your student email, please complete our list of Important To Dos. Please take some time to read through the webpage carefully. If you have questions that are not answered in these resources, please send an email to You can also stay connected with us via our Student Engagement and Leadership Instagram.

We have a great Orientation program planned for you in August, full of opportunities to learn about resources, build community, and have fun! Keep in mind that as you learn about Amherst, we also want to learn about you. I hope you will share what you envision for your Amherst experience and how we can work together to co-create a culture where all students thrive—academically and personally. For me, that means cultivating a community where we center wellbeing, equity, leadership, and belonging.

For now, I send you my best wishes for a wonderful summer, and I look forward to meeting and getting to know you this fall! Go Mammoths!

In community,
Dean Angie

Angie Tissi-Gassoway  (she/they)
Dean of Students & Chief Student Affairs Officer