Professional and Biographical Information


Ph.D., computer science, Stanford University
M.S., computer science, Stanford University
B.S., mathematics and philosophy, Davidson College

Research Interests

Automated reasoning, formal methods, satisfiability, satisfiability modulo theories, artificial intelligence, machine learning, AI safety.

Professor Wu's research aims to bridge the gap between automated logical reasoning and machine learning. He has been developing automated reasoning techniques to formally verify properties (e.g., correctness, safety, fairness) of ML-driven systems, in applications such as robotics, systems, and vision. This line of his work centers around the Marabou framework, a widely used formal analyzer of neural networks under active development. Professor Wu is also interested in employing machine learning to empower automated logical reasoning tools in robust and automatic manners. For example, he has developed ML-based techniques to accelerate automated reasoning tasks such as bounded model checking and program verification.

Teaching Interests

Professor Wu is interested in teaching introductory courses, as well as electives in automated reasoning, artificial intelligence, and formal verification.  He has received two teaching awards/recognitions.

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