Brad Stroh - Amherst College

Brad Stroh graduated in the Amherst College class of 1996. He majored in Literature and Economics and was the Captain of the Men's Lacrosse team.

Note from Brad -

I'm an entrepreneur and founder of several fintech companies that help people solve financial problems where I get to work with about 2,700 incredible teammates at Achieve and

I'm intellectually curious about everything from the Panchen Lama in Tibet, to pyrolytic conversion, to how to build a great company. Fortunately, I have a wonderful family that gives me the energy and support to chase down a heck of a lot of dreams. I am grateful for the friends and experiences from Amherst, many are still my best friends today.

I'm also a mediocre golfer who aspires to be better... but such is life. 

Where I grew up: Chicago

Places I've lived: Montreal, New York, Oxford, San Francisco, Palo Alto, Nairobi, Kenya, Boston, Woodside, Connecticut, Carmel

Companies I've worked for: TA Associates; CIVC; Doll Capital Partners;; Freedom Financial Network, Achieve

Schools I've attended: Stanford Business School; Amherst College; Lake Forest High School; Lower Canada College; Oxford University (St. Johns College); Haverford College; Selwyn House; somewhere else, I'm sure

Bradford Stroh

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Bradford Stroh

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