
Geology is the science of the Earth—and focuses on the Earth's physical makeup, its history, and how it works. Geology students make use of the whole Earth as their field area, from the Arctic to Antarctic, from the Earth’s core to the edge of our atmosphere. Geologists also explore the solar system, as we use the knowledge of our own planet to understand those worlds we discover. Geology is a discipline not confined by the walls of a classroom or to the laboratory bench.

Geology is an interdisciplinary science that encompasses all of the other sciences within it. Geophysics, geochemistry, and paleontology are examples of geological specializations that draw from and integrate the allied disciplines of physics, chemistry and biology.

Geology also encompasses most aspects of environmental science, including contentious topics such as climate change, pollution, resource consumption, and extinction. As political stakes rise, a solid foundation in earth science will allow geology students to become better citizens of the planet.

Geology is a science in which anyone can find their place and explore their interests.  Because the earth is complex and vast in both time and space, Geology is inherently a collaborative field and most geologists know that scientific progress is fueled by the broadest participation possible. 



Department of Geology
Beneski Building
11 Barrett Hill Drive
Amherst College
Amherst, MA 01002-5000
Phone: (413) 542-2233
Fax: (413) 542-2713