The geology department awards a number of prizes and awards to students each year. Some of these prizes are named after former geology faculty, including the Belt-Brophy and Foose prizes. Other prizes are named after deceased students, including the Blodgett, Clarke, and Quinn prizes.

Michael Elliott with his arms around two students holding prizes

The Belt-Brophy prize, formerly the Stearns prize, is given to that student at the end of the junior year who, in the judgement of the Department of Geology, has shown the greatest promise for success as a geologist. The prize is given in honor of Professors Edward S. Belt and Gerald P. Brophy who, through their combined 78 years of teaching, brought Geology at Amherst College into a 21st Century study of the Earth and Environment. The prize is a Brunton compass, the most important geological field tool in the past and for the future.

The David F. Quinn Prize is awarded in the memory of David Quinn, class of 1980, to an outstanding Senior student who has made a positive contribution to 'Geology at Amherst' through character, leadership, enthusiasm and participation in departmental activities. The award consists of the Glossary of Geology.

The Harvey Blodgett Scholarship is typically combined with the Phi Delta Theta scholarship and consists of a cash award made available to outstanding students in Biology or Geology who would use that prize to further their educational objectives either during or immediately after the completion of their academic program at Amherst College.

The John Mason Clarke 1877 Fellowship was established by Noah T. Clarke in memory of his father, to provide income for a fellowship to enable the holders, who are known as "Clarke Fellows", to pursue graduate studies in paleontology or geology.

The Richard M. Foose Award consists of a cash prize awarded annually to a student in support of summer field study/research in geology.

The Walter F. Pond Prize consists of a cash prize awarded to the senior who prepares the most distinguished thesis.