Series 2: Writings

Box 20








Skazy beloi vorony: puteshestvie v svobodu - copy of typescript - 10 pages; drafts, research notes, clippings; copy of typescript - 91 pages; typescript with holograph corrections - 10 pages


2 1975 Sodruzhestvo poezii - copy of typescript - 5 pages
3 1957 Sozertsaniia - typescript - 101 pages
4 1932 - 1942 Sozertsatel'nye stikhotvoreniia - typescript for typesetting - 41 pages
5 n.d. Sozertsatel'nye stikhotvoreniia - copy of typescript - 39 pages; Sozertsaniia.  liricheskie zapisi - reprint with holograph corrections
6 1923 Stikhi (Paris); reprint of "Stikhi" 
7 1931 - 1960's Stikhi raznykh let
8 n.d. Stikhi raznykh let - copies of typescripts
9 n.d. Stikhi raznykh let - drafts, xerox copies
10 1970's - 1980's Stikhi raznykh let - drafts, xerox copies
11 n.d. Stikhi o chelovechnosti - drafts
12 n.d. Stikhotvoreniia nepoeta
13 n.d. Table of contents of various collections of poems
14 1930's - 1940's Unpublished poems
15 1968 Uprazdnenie mesiatsa - notes, research materials, reviews - typescript with holograph corrections - 60 pages
16 n.d.; 1973; 1968; 1984 Uprazdnenie mesiatsa - introduction - 9 pages; introduction - copy of typescript with holograph corrections - 8 pages; lines not included - 19 pages; preview on Uprazdnenie mesiatsa
17  1976 - 1978 Udivitel'naia zemlia - drafts of poems - 96 pages; drafts and typescripts
18 1976 - 1977 Udivitel'naia zemlia - drafts of poems - 50 pages; 19 pages
19 1978 Udivitel'naia zemlia - typescript for typesetting - 38 pages
20 1980 - 1981 Udivitel'naia zemlia - drafts - 24 pages; 28 pages; 27 pages
21 n.d.; 1980 Udivitel'naia zemlia - drafts - 34 pages; 29 pages; 50pages
22 n.d. Udivitel'naia zemlia - typescript for typesetting - 113 pages; model for typesetting - 17 pages; reprint - 33 pages
23 1977; 1980's Zavershitel'nyi sionizm - drafts of poems
  Writings by Archbishop Ioann.  Printed - Books
24 1959 Zapisi o liubvi k Bogu i cheloveku (New York)
25 1959 Vremia very (New York)
26 1960 Stranstviia (liricheskii dnevnik) (New York); Pis'ma o vechnom i vremennom (New York)
27 1964; 1965 List'ia dreva.  Opyt pravoslavnogo dukhovedeniia (New York); Kniga svidetel'stv (New York)
28 1966; 1967 Kniga liriki (Paris); Dialog s tserkovnoi Rossiei (Paris); The Orthodox Pastor.  Outline of Pastoral Theology (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press)