10-2-09 Minutes

  1. Elect chair and elect ISG rep.?
  2. Need to come up with a process by which faculty request software and hardware for teaching and research. FCC propose an approach?
    • FOG group
    • Develop a policy for centralizing the purchasing of hardware and software 
  3. Should we revise or eliminate the 3-pane RSS reader in the CMS? If we eliminate, anyone could still use a third party tool. We are also looking to iGoogle MyAmherst.
  4. Version 2 of the online catalog under discussion. One of the topics is how to get non-course info online as well. Information regarding depts., major requirements, etc.
  5. Tracking student reading of reserve material
    • survey CLAC
    • look at last year's survey
  6. Gradebook and quiz review
    • information sessions for faculty
    • have a list of courses using certain features in the CMS
  7. Security coming this academic year
  8. IT wants to stop producing the catalog listing of courses at the department level.