December 13, 2010 FCC meeting

Group 1 -- Liberal Arts  (select one or two)

Mike Roy (Middlebury) -- FCC preference

Randy Stiles (Colorado College Library/IT director)

Joel Cooper (Carlton College IT director)

Group 2 -- Innovation (select one)

Joanne Kossuth (Olin)

Gary Brown (Wash. State Uni. -- director of center for teaching and learning with tech)

?? (UV - digital humanities center director)

Group 3 --Broader Perspective (select one)

Stephen Quatrano (Cisco)

Bill Fitzgerald (former IT director, currently web developer)

Group 4 -- Bigger Schools (select one)

Betty Landon (Princeton) -- concern about transfer of large institution culture to Amherst






Close video analysis tool for Film and Media studies courses
Alternative to SPSS --> web-based interface to R
Opening access to course e-reserves during add/drop.
  • request access without data input into datatel
  • instructor approval required for students to access course materials during add/drop
What to do with faculty pages when faculty are no longer associated with the College.
Electronic course packs --> laptops in the classroom
ATS projects for coming year
  • Virtual Computing Lab project
  • Replacement for Wimba
  • Presentation tool --
  • iLogger --
  • Augmented Reality Gaming
  • Cityscapes mapping application (Tokyo and Paris)
  • Big Blue Button --> webconferencing tool in CMS
  • Lecture capture
  • R workshops for faculty
  • SimQuabbin project (pending Dept. of Ed. proposal)
  • Cathedral Builder 2.0
  • NEH proposal --> Semantic search and visual browsing interface