Provost’s Program to Introduce New Faculty to the College

The provost’s program to introduce new faculty to Amherst will begin with an informative session in July (which will take place via Zoom) and August (which will take place in person). Following this initial series of events, new faculty will participate in an extended orientation throughout their first year at the college. New faculty are asked to check this site throughout the year for updates. 

2024-2025: New Faculty Orientation Schedule (In Progress)


Because this faculty orientation program will provide information and perspectives to help new faculty in their work as teachers, scholars, and members of the Amherst community, we expect that all new faculty will attend all program events.  If for any reason someone must miss one or have other questions, please contact Professor Pawan Dhingra, associate provost and associate dean of the faculty, or Associate Provost Janet Tobin.

Learn about Workday 

Virtual drop-in help sessions will be offered for new faculty to learn about the Workday system.  Attending a session early in your time here can facilitate your transition, as it is a comprehensive platform. Representatives from Human Resources, Procurement, Student Employment, and the Office of the Registrar will staff these sessions.  Dates for these sessions will be posted soon.

You can find additional information, how-to guides, and videos on the main Workday Support Site:

Workday at Amherst

The Provost and Dean of the Faculty’s Retreat on Teaching and Learning: Thursday, August 29, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Inn on Boltwood

The Provost and Dean of the Faculty’s Retreat on Teaching and Learning is an annual event that brings faculty and instructional staff together to reflect on an important aspect of teaching in the Amherst classroom.  It is an opportunity to reconnect with colleagues before the semester begins, explore pedagogical ideas, and celebrate our teaching and learning successes.  This year the theme is "Generative AI."  You will find more information here.

First Faculty Meeting and Convocation

Monday, September 2

As is Amherst's tradition on the evening before the start of classes, there will be a short faculty meeting, a light supper in Converse Lobby, and then convocation.  All faculty are expected to attend these events (supper is optional).

First Faculty Meeting  
5:30 p.m., Converse Hall, Cole Assembly Room

Previous to convocation, there will be a short faculty meeting to introduce new colleagues, welcome back faculty who have been on leave, and approve some new courses.  The agenda for the meeting will be sent in August.  It is expected that the meeting will end by 6:15 P.M.  Following the faculty meeting, there will be plenty of time for faculty to change into regalia for convocation.

7:30 p.m., Johnson Chapel

Please plan to attend convocation, the ceremony that marks the formal beginning of the academic year.  At the event, the president, faculty, and administrators welcome new students to the college, and faculty who have recently been promoted to the rank of full professor are awarded honorary degrees.  Faculty and administrators wear academic regalia.  If you need to rent regalia, early notice is essential.  Contact Paula Mieczkowski for rental information.  Paula can also help with purchasing regalia at any time during the year.  Please place your order as soon as possible, and definitely by July 22, to avoid high shipping fees.