Support and Services for Students

The Office of Student Affairs

The Office of Student Affairs is concerned with the personal, ethical, and intellectual growth of students and their general welfare.  The office offers academic, personal and social life advising and support programs; administers student residential and extracurricular resources; upholds the college’s community standards and Honor Code; participates in the faculty and administrative formulation and evaluation of policies; and assures that students’ needs are considered in college decisions.

The Class Dean System

Under the class dean system, a single dean is dedicated to the oversight and stewardship of each class. Administrative and personal attention is directed to each student, and one-on-one relationships are established whenever possible. See a list of class deans and their classes.

Contacting the Office

To arrange appointments to talk with deans or other staff members, students may call (413) 542–2337, email or visit 201 Converse Hall.  Those students who need to see a dean on fairly short notice and students who are unable, for one reason or another, to make appointments in advance should call or drop by the office. Students will often be able to see a dean on short notice.

The Case Management Team

In direct association with the class deans, the Case Management Team is available to help students build support networks, develop relationships with campus and community resources and to navigate challenges related to medical, emotional, personal, financial, or adjustment issues. The team connects students to the resources necessary to provide comprehensive, wrap-around care. The team offers consultation services to faculty, parents, and staff helping students in need.

Student Emergencies and Other Urgent Matters

An administrator is on call year round, 24 hours a day, to handle urgent matters and emergencies and can be reached through the Amherst College Police Department at (413) 542–2111.

Services and resources under the umbrella of Student Affairs

Programming and support services for students with disabilities, international students, transfer students, first-generation students, and high financial need students can be accessed through the Office of Student Affairs, as well.

Academic Advising

Student Support

Getting to Know Your Students

Faculty Entertainment Allowance

Students very much appreciate the opportunity to interact with their teachers and coaches outside the classroom, and funding is available to support this activity. All Amherst tenure-line faculty members, lecturers, and visiting faculty members, and all coaches, are eligible to receive up to $200 per year for costs related to meals and informal meetings with students. Those teaching First-Year Seminars are eligible to receive an additional $100 in funding for entertainment costs for their seminar students. Please fill out this form and submit it to Joanne Thornton in the controller’s office, along with receipts for expenses incurred entertaining students.The form must be submitted within the fiscal year in which expenses are incurred.

Hosting Students for Meals at Faculty Homes

Research suggests that even one visit to a faculty member’s home can have a significant impact on college students. To encourage and support this important experience, funding of up to $100 per year is available to all Amherst tenure-line faculty members, lecturers, visiting faculty members, and coaches who host a class or a group of students for a meal at their home. The meal need not be home-cooked (take-out is fine). Not all colleagues are in a position to participate in this program, but those who are willing and able are urged to do so. The home-meal program supplements the $200 annual faculty entertainment allowance described above.  Please fill out this form and submit it to Joanne Thornton in the controller’s office, along with receipts for expenses incurred entertaining students. The form must be submitted within the fiscal year in which expenses are incurred.

Free Meals When Dining with Students in Amherst Dining Halls 

All Amherst tenure-line and visiting faculty members, lecturers, and coaches are eligible for six free meals each semester (a total of thirteen for faculty members who are teaching First-Year Seminars) at Valentine simply by presenting their Amherst College I.D. Card to the meal checker. The free meals are pre-loaded on the individuals’ I.D., and one meal is deducted from the allotment each time the card is used. The meals are in addition to the $200 entertainment allowance.